"Oh right, cause you're Mr. Perfect," Dean sarcastically agreed. Sam cocked his head, "What? Are you really still pissed at me, cause of what the trickster did?"

"Oh come on man, you've been a tight ass long before that trickster showed up," Dean stated. Noah glanced out fo the corner of his eye and saw the janitor watching them intently.

"Okay enough!" Noah broke it up, "Listen, you're giving him what he wants, so let's just stop all the petty arguing and get our jobs done! Sam, we'll go to his place, see what we can find, Dean, go keep an eye on the janitor, and wait for Sam and I to get back, we're gonna get Delta and cover ground three times as fast, now come on, let's move!"

He and Sam walked away. Sam's jaw remained clenched as they got into Noah's Jeep. Noah glanced over at the tense Winchester. "You okay, man?" He asked.

"I just..." Sam sighed, "I hate when he calls me that."

"I get it, man, I do, but you and I both know it was a trick," Noah rationalized. "Yeah, I know," Sam nodded. "It'll start to roll off of you before you know it, I promise," Noah assured.

Sam nodded, quirking a small smile. "Now lets go get Bobby and Delta, and get this son of a bitch!" Noah exclaimed. Sam laughed, nodding.

• • •

As soon as the four arrived, they divided. Noah snuck around the back entryway, to get into the wings of the stage as Bobby and Sam waited around the front door. Noah made sure Delta was in position in the other wing before settling into position as they waited for Dean's signal.

"Hey, man, I like your style, I do, I mean, pfft, heh," Noah could hear Dean's voice, "And the uh, the slow dancing alien!" The trickster cracked up as Dean chuckled.

"One of my personal favorites," the trickster stated with laughter in his voice around the candy bar in his mouth.

"Yeah, but uh, I can't let you go," Dean shook his head. "Too bad, like I said, I liked you, but Sam was right, you shouldn't have come alone," the trickster stated, his warm tone dropping into a threat.

Dean clicked his tongue, "Well I'll agree with you there." Sam and Bobby opened their doors, stepping in with their sharpened stakes in hand. The trickster turned around to see him and by the time he turned back to face Dean, Noah and Delta stood on the stage behind Dean.

The trickster looked to Dean in surprise, "That fight you guys had outside?" he motioned between them, "That was a trick?"

Dean shrugged with a smug grin. The trickster nodded, humming in thought, "Not bad."

Dean slowly pulled his own stake out of his pocket. "but you wanna see a real trick?" the trickster asked. Before any of them had time to comprehend it, a chainsaw whirred from behind Sam as the two women in lingerie approached Noah.

Noah whistled for Delta, who immediately jumped on one of them before backing off, not giving her time to hurt her. The brunette advanced on Noah, immediately throwing him back ith heavy force into the wings. He crashed down, smacking his head on the wall as he went. His entire body ached as black flooded his vision for a moment, but he managed to blink it away and stand up again.

He turned around, looking through the curtains as Sam and Bobby fought the creature with the chainsaw and Dean fought the two girls. Sam glanced up, seeing him as the fighting came ot a halt, the trickster standing from the place he sat. The two shared a look as Noah glanced at the stake on the floor in front fo him, and Sam and Dean both shared a look as well.

"Dean..." The trickster trailed as Sam fell to the floor, grasping the stake quickly, "Dean, Dean, Dean." Sam picked up the wooden stake and threw it to Dean, who turned around as quickly as possible, standing as the trickster continued to talk, "I did not wanna have to do this."

Dean brought the stake down with force like nothing Noah had ever seen before, plunging it directly through the tricksters chest and into his heart.

It grunted and quietly groaned in shock as it had little time to process, before Dean got the last word, "Me neither."

As the creature rose the chainsaw again to attack Sam and Noah went to leap into action, it dissolved into thin air, shortly followed by the girls.

Bobby, Noah, and Sam all looked around in shock as they made sure that no threats remained Dean stared at the trickster for a moment longer, allowing his anger to fade away gently, as he forcefully shoved his body back, ripping the stake back out.

The trickster fell back onto the place he was seated before, blood seeping through his clothes from the wound on his chest and dripping from his mouth.

Dean stumbled back slightly, light headed from being thrown around like he had been. Sam and Bobby walked over to him quickly as Noah slowly cleared the room as well, adrenaline fading and a pounding headache setting in. He also felt pain and it was fast to spread over his entire chest. This one was a dull ache but it would still be a pain in the ass.

He quietly groaned under his breath as Dean asked, "You guys okay?"

"Yeah," Sam nodded, every injury seemed mostly superficial as they continued to stare at the dead trickster's body, "I guess."

"All I've got to say... he had style," Dean cracked a small smile through the panting breaths he took. He flipped the wooden stick in his hand groaning slightly as he took a step, walking to the stairs.

Noah, Delta, Sam, and Bobby were quick to follow him into the hallway and out of Crawford Hall. "Hey Bobby, thanks a lot, we really-" Bobby cut Sam off. "Hey, save it! Let's just get the hell outta dodge before somebody finds that body."

They all jogged to the Impala and the Jeep, quickly loading everything up as Sam agreed, "Yeah." Noah quickly got Delta settled into her kennel in the back, and put the stakes away while h was back there. Sam, Dean, and Bobby swung themselves into the Impala, but Sam, stopped both Dean and Noah before they could get into their seats, "Noah, Dean."

The two looked up to him, "I just wanna say that I'm..." he trailed. Dean nodded, "Me too." Sam looked to Noah, nervous of his response. Noah smiled at them, "Yeah, me too." The three shared soft smiles. "You guys are breaking my heart, could we please just leave?" Bobby poked his head back from out of the Impala.

Noah laughed as grins grew on both Sam and Dean's faces and all three of them swung themselves into their seats.

• • •

Author's Note: I know this was shorter than normal but last chapter was longer than normal, and this was an oddly stuctured episode. And these should be updated back to back, so you still got your fill! Until next week my lovelies.

 And these should be updated back to back, so you still got your fill! Until next week my lovelies

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