We nodded and apparated to the train station.

"Okay, just, act natural. And neither of you say anything, I'll do all the talking" said Emma, motioning us to follow her.

"Here are our tickets, London to Paris" said Emma, handing over some papers to a lady behind the counter.

"ID please?"

"Emma pulled out the four ID's from her bag and showed them to the lady. She looked at the picture on the ID and then at us before nodding in approval

"Your train leaves in fifteen minutes, Platform 4" she said, handing the ID's back to us.

We started to walk towards the platform when suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I could see a very familiar looking man wearing a large coat, walking towards us. It was a death eater in muggle clothes.

I tugged at Fred's sleeve, discreetly pointing to the death eater who was very close to us. Fred quickly turned me around and placed his hands on my face and began to kiss me, covering my face entirely. The death eater walked right past us, without even taking a proper look. Fred pulled away, grinning.

"Nice one" I said as we continued to walk, Emma and George laughing at us.

We finally reached the platform, the train would arrive in the next five minutes. I started to think about Amelie, how her mother said that she had been brutally injured. She would be fine wouldn't she? Of course she would be fine.

"You're thinking about Amelie aren't you?" Fred said from beside me.

"Yea" I sighed. He took my hand in his and began to rub the top of it with his thumb, his way of telling me that I had nothing to worry about.

"Fred, it's just- I've already lost Cedric, my mum and my dad to The Dark side. I can't lose my best friend too. I can't lose anyone anymore" I wasn't making much sense but I found it hard to put my thoughts into words.

"Hey, you're not losing anyone anymore, we're all here. I'm here, George's here, he loves you like his little sister you know? Hermione, my mum and dad, Ginny, they all really care about you. I can't imagine how hard it would be to lose your mother and your best friend, I'm not going to say that I understand, but you're not alone" Fred said reassuringly. He was so good with words, and he made me feel so loved.

I rested my head on his shoulder, "Thank you Fred, I don't know what I'd do without you"

"Oh you'd do amazing, look at how strong you are. It's me who'd be a mess if you leave me and go"

"That's not happening anytime soon, you're going to be stuck with me for a while" I chuckled.

The train arrived and we boarded it. Fortunately, the rest of our journey went smoothly. When we reached Paris, we hailed a cab to take us to Amelie's house. We reached her street and memories came flooding into my mind. This was the same street I used to play in with Amelie. We'd take out are pink, tasseled bikes and cycle up and down the road, chasing each other and pretending we were on an adventure. It was on this street that Amelie had first discovered she could do magic.

"Are you going to knock?" asked George, breaking me out of my trance.

"Um, yea" I said, lifting my hand up reluctantly and knocking on the door thrice.

Soon, it was opened by Mrs. Lume, who looked quite different from when I last saw her. Her skin had wrinkled and the bags under her eyes were prominent but her blonde hair was as long and shiny as ever.

"You made it!" she cried, pulling me into a hug.

"I had to meet her" I said, inhaling Mrs. Lume's trademark vanilla scent.

Before you (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now