Chapter 59

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Several hours later, Raymond and Evelyn returned to Raymond's apartment. 

"Well, I thought that went well," he said, throwing his hat and coat onto a nearby chair and helping Evelyn out of hers. "For as unconventional as it was." 

After the ceremony, the group had eaten an early lunch at Delmonico's. It had been a nice affair and everyone had gotten along excellently--especially Scott and Billie--but Evelyn hadn't enjoyed a minute of it. Despite everyone's efforts to include her in their conversations, she had been far too troubled and preoccupied to talk. The only thing she had been able to manage was a frozen smile. Her silence had isolated her, she knew. She had walled herself off from her best friend, the man who was like a brother to her, her new husband...

"Evelyn?" Raymond ventured, wrapping his arms around her waist. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he asked, "Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not." All the turmoil and anguish she had been holding in all day burst out suddenly. Bursting into tears, Evelyn's legs buckled as if finally unable to support the burden pressing down on her. Only Raymond's arms, tightening around her waist, stopped her from falling.

"Woah." Lifting her up, he carried her into the bedroom. "You need to rest," he said as he laid her down on the bed. 

"It's only afternoon," Evelyn protested, trying in vain to stifle her sobs. "I need to help you make supper. I--"

"You need to rest." Raymond eased her shoes off, then pulled the blankets up over her. Cracking a smile, he teased, "You're a shitty cook anyway."

At his words, Evelyn's sobs only intensified. "I'm sorry!" she wailed. "I know I'm an awful cook. And I'll be an awful wife and an awful mother and--"

"Hey," Raymond soothed, laying down beside her and stroking her cheek. "You're going to be an amazing wife and an even more amazing mother. Our baby is lucky to have you. And you'll never have to cook as long as we're together; I'll do that for you."

"But I'm supposed to help you," Evelyn sniffled. Her face felt hot and sticky, like the guilt that coiled in her belly. Why couldn't she be happy with her situation? Raymond deserved better--a good wife, someone who would be a good mother to his child. Instead, he got her--hysterical, useless...God, she would be better off dead.

"Fuck what you're supposed to do." Raymond's fingers, cool and soothing against her heated skin, brushed away the stray hairs that stuck to her damp forehead. "We don't have to do things the normal way just because society expects that. You don't have to cook or clean for me to be a good wife and mother."


"But nothing. We're going to do things the way that's best for us, and fuck what society thinks about it."

Evelyn giggled at his words, so impetuous, yet so sweet and understanding. Smiling through her tears, she murmured, "You can't talk like that once the baby's born."

"And why not?" Raymond demanded. "What's wrong with how I talk?"

Evelyn's smile widened. "You can't say 'fuck' in front of our child. What if they repeated you?"

"You say it too!"

"I won't once the baby is born."

"You will." Raymond's fingertips danced across her stomach, teasing shivers out of her. "I'll drive you to it."

"Bastard," she mumbled, her cheeks heating up as Raymond's hand trailed down to her hips, his fingers tracing the curve of the bone. Heat flickered to life inside her, but, as Raymond leaned down to kiss her, she knew she wasn't ready to make love--not that day, not yet.

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