Chapter 55

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Three weeks later, Evelyn entered Raymond's apartment, her face deathly pale, her eyes red-rimmed and watery.

"Evelyn, what's wrong?" Raymond asked, rushing over to her. "What did the doctor say?"

For the past three weeks, Evelyn had been experiencing terrible cramps and headaches. Then constant nausea and almost-as-constant vomiting had hit her. And she ached all over. Some days, she could barely make it out of bed. At first, Raymond had thought it was just a passing illness that she would soon get over. But, as her symptoms persisted week after week, he had urged her to visit a doctor. Now, as she stood before him, tearful and trembling, Raymond knew something was very wrong.

"Evelyn?" he prompted, reaching out to touch her. 

Flinching as if she had been struck, Evelyn pulled away from him.

Startled and hurt, Raymond withdrew his hand. "What's wrong?" he asked again. "What the hell did the doctor say?"

At his words, Evelyn burst into tears. Choking on sobs, her whole frame shaking, she huddled against him.

"Evelyn?" he ventured, dread rising in his throat. "What—"

"I'm pregnant."

"What?" Raymond swayed on his feet, his head reeling. His vision warped and blackened around the edges, and he felt as though he was falling into a bottomless pit. All around him, the floor shifted and rolled. His knees suddenly weak, he clutched Evelyn for support. Slowly, the floor stopped moving and he stopped falling. His vision cleared and he stood, somewhat steady on his feet, once more. But, in those moments, his entire world had warped and changed. Nothing would be the same ever again.

With wondering hands, he touched Evelyn's stomach. Was it really possible that she was carrying a child—his child? Or was this just a dream?

"You're pregnant?" he managed to get out.

Tears sliding down her face, Evelyn nodded. "The doctor said I'm about two months along."

"Fuck," Raymond breathed. A slow smile spread across his face. "I'm gonna be a dad. I'm gonna be a fucking dad!"

Choking on tears of his own, he pulled Evelyn into a hug, squeezing her until she slapped his back in protest.

"You're...not upset?" she ventured when he had released her.

"Upset?" Raymond laughed dazedly. "I'm scared shitless. But I'm not upset." Rubbing a hand across his face, he said, "I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad."

A bemused smile flitted across Evelyn's face. "But I thought you didn't want children."

"I didn't know that I did until now. Or maybe I did, and I just didn't realize it. Fuck, I don't know. I can barely believe this is actually happening. Fuck..."

A small smile slid across Evelyn's face. "I was so sure you were going to be upset," she murmured. "I dreaded having to break the news to you. I thought..." Biting her lip, she looked down at the ground. "I thought you might want to leave me."

"What?" Raymond gaped at her. "Do you really think so little of me?"

"I wouldn't have blamed you," Evelyn hastened to add. "Why would you or anyone else want a girl who's carrying an unwanted burden?"

"Because I love you." Taking hold of her chin, Raymond forced Evelyn to look up at him. He hoped she could see the sincerity and determination shining in his eyes. "I would never leave you just because you're pregnant. I want you and that baby to be a part of my life as long as I'm alive."

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