Chapter 42

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The next morning, drained by the previous night's activities, Evelyn slept in late. By the time she finally awoke and made her way downstairs, Mr. Collins was already finishing his breakfast. The morning paper lay beside him, facedown.

"Good morning, Dad," Evelyn said, going over to kiss his cheek.

"Hello, Evelyn." Mr. Collins' voice bit through the air, as cold and distant as a faraway snowstorm. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Fine?" Evelyn ventured, a sudden feeling of apprehension washing over her. Why was her father acting so cold? What had happened? "Why do you ask?"

"I just figured you'd be tired after your...adventures last night," said Mr. Collins stiffly.

"My adventures?" Evelyn stared at him, the feeling of apprehension growing even stronger. "Dad, what are you talking about?"

"Read the paper."

With trembling fingers, Evelyn picked up the paper and looked at the headline. Then, with a stifled gasp, she dropped into a chair, her eyes growing wide with horror.

'Swanky Party Gets Sexy' the headline blared. Just below the headline, three pictures seared themselves into Evelyn's mind. The first showed Raymond carrying her bridal style, the second showed them entering her room, and the third showed them dancing, their bodies pressed together. "Oh, god," she whispered, pressing a hand to her mouth. "What have I done?"

"I'll tell you what you've done!" Mr. Collins snapped. "You've ruined us."

"But—" Quickly, Evelyn scanned the paper for details. According to the article, she and Raymond who they called an "unidentified male" had been seen going into her room and locking the door behind them. There, they stayed "for over an hour, and when they finally emerged, both were breathless and disheveled," Evelyn read with steadily mounting horror. "Later on, they were spotted petting and necking on the dance floor. 'I've never seen something so scandalous in all my born days!' one woman said. 'I— '"

"That's enough," Mr. Collins interrupted. "Well done, Evelyn. I hope you're proud of yourself."

"Dad—" Evelyn tried to speak, but Mr. Collins interrupted her once more. "This bastard—Raymond Aldridge or whatever his name is—is never to set foot in this house again. If he does, I will have him arrested and tried for raping my daughter."

"You wouldn't!" Evelyn gasped, her stomach clenching. "You can't!"

"I can, and I would. If I ever see his face here again, that's what will happen. Do you know how disappointed I am with you? My own daughter—a common slut."

"That's not fair," Evelyn protested, tears filling her eyes. "You haven't even given me a chance to explain."

"Explain what? How you let this man seduce you? How you thought it was a good idea to let him take you to bed in the middle of the party? How you had the audacity to flaunt your sin in front of everyone we know? Please, do explain."

"He didn't take me to bed!" Evelyn's temper flared, hot and reckless. "I didn't flaunt anything! And I'm not a slut. This is all a misunderstanding—a horrible mistake."

"Yes, it was a mistake." Mr. Collins' voice was cold with fury. "It doesn't matter whether he took you bed or not—the entire city now believes he did. It doesn't matter if you're a slut or not—everyone now thinks you are. You are ruined. And I am ruined with you."

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