Chapter 57

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"I have our marriage licenses, and I set up an appointment for us tomorrow at ten," Raymond said, coming up to where Evelyn sat on the couch staring into the fire. Kissing her cheek, he continued, "And I got our rings."

"Swell." Evelyn didn't look up or respond to Raymond's touch.

"Uh...I got something for you." Sitting down beside her, Raymond fidgeted with a small box. He had loosened his tie, Evelyn noticed—a sure sign he was nervous.

Making an effort to smile, she turned to face him. "What is it?"

Opening the box, Raymond revealed a beautiful ring. Set into a delicate diamond circlet, a deep green stone sparkled and flashed in the light of the fire. "Ohhh," Evelyn breathed, overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of it.

"You like it?" Raymond asked, a grin spreading across his face.

"It's beautiful." Evelyn glanced over at him. "Was it expensive?"

"Let's just say it wasn't cheap." A faint blush darkened the back of Raymond's neck. "But if you like it, it was worth it."

"Well I love it." Taking the ring from the box, Evelyn examined it more closely. It was even more brilliant up-close. "Is it..." she hesitated, not sure she wanted to know the answer. "Is it an engagement ring?"

Raymond shrugged. "If you want it to be." He chuckled. "I don't really know what it is; I just thought you would like it." Taking the ring from her hand, he asked, "Which hand do you want it on?"

"I..." Evelyn faltered. The silence became awkward as she sat there, hands clasped tightly together to hide their trembling, battling her inner demons. "I'll wear it on my left hand," she said finally, her voice barely more than a whisper. 

"Are you sure?" Raymond's eyes searched hers. "It'll look just as lovely on your right hand."

Evelyn hesitated again. "I'm sure," she said finally, holding out her left hand. 

"Okay." Raymond slid the ring onto her ring finger. Then, raising her hand to his lips, he kissed her knuckles. "You can always switch hands," he said gently as Evelyn twisted the ring on her finger, admiring the ring and Raymond's thoughtfulness, yet hating everything it represented. "I won't be angry."

Evelyn smiled wanly. "Thank you," she whispered. Pulling Raymond to her, she kissed him. "It's a wonderful gift," she said as she broke the kiss. "I love it." 

Raymond grinned. "It reminded me of your eyes. Not nearly as stunning of course, but it's still eye-catching."

Evelyn blushed. "Flirt," she mumbled.

"Evelyn, tomorrow I'm gonna be your husband," Raymond laughed. "I've you seen you naked. I think we're a little past getting embarrassed over flirting."

Evelyn's blush deepened. "I know." She fell silent for a moment, then continued, "Are you happy about marrying me?"

"Of course I am." Clasping her hands, Raymond met Evelyn's questioning gaze squarely, his eyes deadly serious. "I'm scared--of being a husband, of being a father. I want to do right by you and the baby, and I just hope I'm good enough. But I'm thrilled to be marrying you--and not just for the baby," he added, seeing the next question rising to Evelyn's lips. "I'm marrying you because I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, not just because you're pregnant."

"Good." This time, Evelyn's smile was genuine. Biting her lip, she murmured, "As frightened as I am too, I'm glad it's you I'm marrying. I couldn't do this with anyone else."

"Me neither." Wrapping his arms around her, Raymond held her for a long. As she curled up against him, he rested his chin on her shoulder, breathing in the sweet scent of her perfume and the fresh, clean smell of her hair. Slowly, wonderingly, his hand slid down to her stomach and rested there as if, if he waited long enough, he could feel the tiny life growing inside her. In a few months, he would be able to. Soon, he would be able to feel his baby kick and move...and then he would be able to hold it in his arms...

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