Chapter 18: Raymond

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The next day, a little before ten-o-clock, Raymond entered the syndicate office building and traveled up to the fifth floor. There, Evelyn was waiting for him, reviewing paperwork from behind the desk.

"Hello," she greeted Raymond as he approached her.

"Hello," Raymond said, removing his hat. "Is the man here?"

"Actually..." Evelyn bit her lip, "he told me he'd already found another job. He said he was very sorry to disappoint you, but he needs money desperately, so he accepted the first person that called him back—which wasn't us, obviously."

"So that's it, then?" Raymond shook his head in disbelief. "No agent?"

"Well..." Evelyn propped her chin on her hand, her little finger working her lip back and forth as she thought for a moment. The movement was highly distracting. Forcing himself to look away from her lips, Raymond focused on what Evelyn was now saying. "I had an idea," she said slowly, looking up at Raymond. "What if I help you—for the time being at least?"

"What?" Raymond exclaimed. "You can't lift crates or help me load the boat!"

"And why not?" Evelyn countered. "I'm stronger than I look."

"You're not that strong," Raymond said patronizingly. "You wouldn't be able to do it. I'll just—"

"Sorry, just a minute, please," Evelyn interrupted as the elevator dinged, and a delivery man carrying a large package stepped onto the floor.

"Delivery for the Little Bird and Co. Soap Company," he called, shifting slightly under the weight of the package in his arms.

"That's us, thank you," Evelyn said, coming forward.

"Yes, miss. Where do you want me to put this?" the man asked, inclining his head towards the package.

Evelyn smiled impishly. "I'll take it." Lifting the package out of the man's arms, she held it with ease. "Thank you," she said as the man's mouth dropped open. "Have a nice day."

"Showoff," Raymond muttered as the man climbed back onto the elevator. "I bet it isn't even that heavy."

In response, Evelyn walked over and dropped the package into Raymond's arms. "Ok, it's heavy," Raymond grunted. "Where do you want it?"

"I'll take it, you big baby!" Evelyn laughed, lifting the package from his arms and carrying it down the hall. She returned a few moments later. "So. Am I hired?" she asked brightly.

"What about your clothes?" Raymond demanded, gesturing to Evelyn's smart skirt and blazer and her spotlessly clean heels. "They'll be ruined." He was grasping at straws, and he knew it. But, dammit, he didn't want Evelyn working for him! Something told him that working together—and growing closer—would not be good for either of their hearts.

"I brought a change," Evelyn replied smugly, pulling a bag of clothing and a pair of sensible, lace-up boots from behind the desk. "Now am I hired?"

"You really thought of everything," Raymond muttered. Evelyn's foresight and organizational skills might actually come in handy, he thought guiltily. Would it really be so bad to let her work with him? "Got a speech listing all the reasons I should let you help me stashed back there too?" he asked, only half joking.

"As a matter of fact, yes—sort of. It's only a list," Evelyn said, producing a piece of paper from behind the desk. "But close enough."

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