Chapter 30

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In Raymond's dream, his mother stood before him. She was smiling, that same gentle, understanding smile that lit up so many of Raymond's childhood memories.

"Mama?" Raymond breathed.

Wordlessly, his mother held out her arms, and Raymond ran to her, collapsing into her embrace. For an instant, he felt as though he was a small boy once more, cocooned in the protective circle of his mother's arms. A tear leaked down his cheek.

"What's wrong?" his mother murmured, stroking his hair tenderly.

"I'm so lost," Raymond confessed, feeling another tear slide down his cheek. "I don't know what to do anymore, or where to go..."


Raymond lifted his head. He was lying in Evelyn's arms, his head on her shoulder. "Evelyn?" he breathed, reaching up to touch her face. His fingertips ghosted over her jaw, exploring every inch of her skin. "Is it really you?"

"Raymond, what are you doing to yourself?" Evelyn chastised, smoothing away the hair that had flopped onto his forehead. "I told you not to drink so much, it's not good for you."

"I know." Raymond smiled up at her wanly. "I just needed to forget, that's all."

"Forget what?" Evelyn's brilliant green eyes darkened in concern. Her fingers toyed with the short hairs at the back of his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

"Forget—forget..." Raymond's voice trailed off. "I don't know," he confessed. "Whatever it is, I guess I've forgotten it."

"Hmmm." Evelyn shifted, nestling against Raymond's chest, her head over his heart. "I just hope you don't forget me next."

"How could I ever forget you?" Sliding a finger beneath Evelyn's jaw, Raymond tilted her face up to his. "You," he said, pressing a kiss to the corner of Evelyn's mouth, "are utterly unforgettable."

"Really?" Evelyn smiled, a long, sensual smile. "I'm glad." Wrapping her arms around Raymond's neck, she kissed him. As their bodies pressed together, her arms slid down his back...

Raymond awoke with a groan. The sunlight, glaring through the blinds of the bedroom windows and into his eyes, was blinding. Why was it so damn bright, he thought, squinting furiously. His mouth felt like sandpaper, his tongue as stiff and rough as a board. And where was he? These were not his pillows and bedclothes—they were much too soft and...lace-trimmed to be his own. Beside him, Raymond felt someone stir, then a soft, feminine body pressed against his own.

"Evelyn?" Raymond mumbled, reaching for her.

"Who's Evelyn?" A blond head popped up beside Raymond's. "And what time is it?"

"Ada?" Raymond croaked, recoiling. "What are you...?"

"Doing in my bed," Ada finished for him. "Well, I was sleeping until you woke me up."

"Your bed." Raymond sat bolt upright. "What am I doing in your bed?" Pain exploded behind his eyes as the searing sunlight struck his face directly, and he groaned, clutching his skull—as if that would make the pain subside. Struggling to stay focused, he turned to Ada. "Well?" he demanded.

"I brought you here last night," Ada replied, "after you nearly passed out at the card table. Remember?"

"No," Raymond groaned, then winced. Even that slight sound sent a fresh jolt of pain through his skull. "The last thing I remember is you kissing me." His eyes widened, which only served to make them hurt more. "I didn't—we didn't—?" he asked nervously.

"You didn't sleep with me if that's what you're asking," Ada replied, laughing. "You still have your clothes on, silly."

Raymond looked down at himself. His clothing, although much more wrinkled than it had been the day before, was, indeed, still on his body. He sighed, relief filling him. "Then why were in bed with me?" he asked after a moment's thought.

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