Chapter 56

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"Is something wrong?" Scott asked when he opened his door to Evelyn.

Evelyn smiled wanly. "Can I come in?"

"Of course." Shutting the door behind her, he helped her out of her coat and led her into his living room. "So, what can I do for you?" he asked.

Evelyn bit her lip. Saying the words aloud—telling them to someone else—would make them real—too real. Could she say them? "I'm getting married tomorrow." There. The words were foul in her mouth and heavy as lead, but she had managed to say them.

A muscle in Scott's jaw twitched. "Congratulations."

"Don't congratulate me," Evelyn said bitterly. "We're not celebrating."

Scott's eyes narrowed. "Are you pregnant?"

"How did you know?"

Scott smiled. "You're not happy about getting married, but you're doing it anyway, and on the spur of the moment. There's only one reason a girl like you gets married like that."

Evelyn sighed. "You're right; we're just doing it for the baby. I love Raymond, but this isn't what I wanted. Anyway," she forced a smile, "will you come?"

Scott's eyes misted over. "Of course I'll come." Stepping towards her, he pulled her into a tight hug. "You're going to be an amazing mother," he whispered. "Your child is lucky."

Burying her face in his shoulder, Evelyn felt tears smarting in her eyes. Scott's words, so tender yet fervent, made her heart ache. If only he was right.

"Thank you," she murmured as she pulled away. "I hope so."


"Miss Evelyn, what are you doing?" Billie asked, coming into Evelyn's room.

Evelyn looked up from where she was riffling through her closet. "I'm looking for a white dress."

"It's the middle of winter. What do you need a white dress for?" Billie asked.

Evelyn swallowed hard. She had said it once, she could say it again. "I'm getting married tomorrow." The words were still sour and heavy in her mouth, but less so now that she had already made her news a reality. What was done was done—and it would not change no matter how many people she told.

"God in Heaven." Billie sat down hard on Evelyn's bed. "You're really getting married?"

Evelyn nodded. "Yes, I am."

"To Mr. Adler?"


Billie's eyes narrowed as she scanned Evelyn's face. "Why do you look so upset then?"

"Oh, Billie!" Evelyn sobbed. Sinking against the wardrobe, dresses bunching all around her, she poured out her story. "I'm so scared," she finished as Billie crouched beside her, gently rubbing her arm. "I'm scared of getting married. I'm scared that I'll get trapped in hell again, but this time I won't be able to get out. I'm scared of being pregnant and scared of losing my child. I'm scared about having a baby and being a mother..." she released a long, shuddering breath. "I can't fuck this up, Billie. This baby is relying on me."

Billie chuckled slightly. "Miss Evelyn, that baby doesn't even know you exist."

"What?" Evelyn sniffed.

Billie's warm brown eyes met hers, kind and understanding. "You haven't stopped being a person just because you're pregnant. And you won't stop being a person when your baby is born. You can't sacrifice all your happiness just because you have a child. You need to take care of yourself too."

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