Chapter 47

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Evelyn's heart pounded as Raymond picked her up bridal style and carried her into the bedroom. She could see the desire in his eyes and taste it on his lips as he kissed her. And she could feel her own desire, thrumming through her body wherever he touched her like some heady alcohol. Yet, was she making a terrible mistake? Yes, she wanted Raymond, but could she truly do this—or would Charlie stop her even now?

No, she wouldn't let herself think like that. She wanted to enjoy this moment, to savor every second of it, and thinking about Charlie would only spoil that for her. Wrapping her arms around Raymond's neck, she delighted in the feeling of his lips on her lips, her eyelids, her cheeks, then on her jaw, down her throat, and across her collarbones. The lights in the bedroom were soft and dim as Raymond laid her on the bed, making her feel as though she were wrapped in a gossamer blanket—neither too exposed nor too hidden.

"How do you want to do this?" Raymond asked gently as he laid down beside her.

"I..." Evelyn stammered, blushing. What did he mean?

"Would you feel more comfortable if I undressed first?" Raymond clarified.

Evelyn's blush intensified. "Yes," she murmured. Then, as Raymond stood, "I'll help you."

Guided by Raymond, she undid his belt and unbuttoned his trousers, letting them fall away. His vest and shirt she had already removed when they were in the kitchen, leaving Raymond naked save for his underwear.

"Are you comfortable with this?" he asked, searching her face for any signs of hesitation or uneasiness. "We can always stop."

"No, I want this." Evelyn met Raymond's gaze, her expression unfaltering.

Raymond smiled. "Okay. Please, Evelyn, tell me if this becomes uncomfortable for you." He grasped Evelyn's arms as he spoke, his touch soothing and reassuring. "I don't want to make love to you at the expense of your happiness."

Evelyn returned his smile. "I know. And I'll tell you if I no longer want this—I promise. But, right now, I do."

"Alright then." Undoing the drawstrings of his shorts, he stepped out of them, leaving himself completely exposed.

Evelyn drew in a deep breath. Raymond, in all his naked glory, was breathtaking—and, in a strange way, reassuring. That he had bared himself first and now stood, completely vulnerable, before her soothed the nervous butterflies that were dancing through her stomach at the thought of Raymond undressing her. To stand, completely exposed, before him did not seem quite so scary now that he had done it first.

"Your turn," Raymond murmured. Stepping behind her, he slid his robe off her shoulders, then hooked his fingers around the straps of her nightgown. With one gentle tug, the gown pooled around Evelyn's ankles in a cloud of peach silk, leaving her in nothing but her thin, nearly see-through chemise. As the cool bedroom air hit her exposed skin, making her shiver, Raymond's hands rubbed up and down her arms, filling her senses with his nearness, his warmth, his love.

"Are you ready?" he whispered in her ear, his fingers sliding under her chemise straps.

"Yes." Evelyn nodded. "I'm ready." The next moment, Raymond's deft hands were sliding the chemise down the length of her body, leaving her, too, completely exposed.

"So beautiful," he murmured, his warm breath fanning across her shoulder blades. His fingers trailed down the length of her spine from the nape of her neck to her tailbone, igniting a fire wherever they touched. Then, stepping closer to her, his lips followed the path of his fingers, filling Evelyn's whole body with heat.

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