Chapter 5: Raymond

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"Hello? Evelyn?" Raymond called into the telephone mouthpiece.

"Yes?" Evelyn's voice floated out from the earpiece, calm and serene. "Who is this?"

"'s Raymond," Raymond admitted.

Instantly, Evelyn's mild tone turned cold and sharp. "What do you want?" she snapped.

" I just want to talk to you," Raymond answered contritely. "Can we meet somewhere? You choose the place."

"Absolutely not!" Evelyn refused. "As a matter of fact, I never want to see you again."

"Oh, come on!" Raymond pleaded. "Isn't that a bit harsh?"

"I don't think so, no," Evelyn said. "You brought it on yourself."

"And you're making a big deal out of nothing!" Raymond retorted, his anger rising.

"Oh really?" Evelyn growled. "Have a nice day, Raymond."

Then the line went dead. Groaning loudly, Raymond massaged his temples. Clearly Evelyn was still very angry about had occurred last night. And clearly, he had to do something more drastic.


"Wait here please, Mr. Adler," a pudgy, sour-face butler instructed Raymond. "Miss Collins will be down shortly."

"Thank you," Raymond murmured.

"Who is it James?" Evelyn's voice called from somewhere outside the room where Raymond was waiting.

"A Mr. Adler, Miss Collins," the butler replied, opening the door for Evelyn.

"Mr. Adler?" Evelyn's voice repeated, her tone confused. "I don't know a—" Then, as she entered the room and saw Raymond standing there before her, her words ended abruptly. Glaring at Raymond, her emerald eyes flashed fire. "You!" she hissed, her voice low and venomous. "Why are you here? And how did you find me?"

"Hello," Raymond greeted her calmly. "I have my sources"—a friend of a friend in the police force had told him where the Collin's mansion was located--not that it was rare knowledge. As one of the most famous men in New York City, Richard Collins' house (and its location) was also widely known. 

He hadn't thought Evelyn could be more beautiful than she had been the night before, but, somehow, with her intense eyes glaring daggers at him, her cheeks flushed scarlet, and her fists clenched, she was.

"What do you want?" Evelyn demanded, striding over to face Raymond.

"Easy," Raymond soothed. "I already told you. I just want to talk."

"About what?" Evelyn inquired icily. "And make it quick. I don't have all day."

"" Raymond cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I want to apologize for my bad behavior last night." Evelyn said nothing, but her tight expression softened slightly. "I shouldn't have kissed you, and I'm sorry." His apology finished, Raymond waited expectantly for Evelyn to respond.

"Well," she began. "I'll forgive you. But I don't think we can be friends," she continued as Raymond let out a long, pent-up breath. "I'm sorry."

"What!" Raymond sputtered, choking on air. "Why?"

"Because..." Evelyn hesitated, staring silently at Raymond, her features conflicted.

"Because?" Raymond prompted.

"Because we just can't!" Evelyn snapped. "Now please leave."

"That's no answer!" Raymond argued with equal sharpness.

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