Chapter 21: Evelyn

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Evelyn froze. Raymond's lips brushed against her ear, his hot breath sending tremors through her body. Let me help you forget. Did he mean what she thought he meant? Turning in his arms, she faced him. He had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, and, sometime during the course of the evening, his tie had vanished. His hair, still messy from his morning hangover, fell in soft waves across his forehead. In that moment, he had never looked more attractive. Evelyn's breath caught in her throat.

Smiling, Raymond reached up and removed Evelyn's hair comb, allowing her hair to tumble down in soft waves around her shoulders. "So," he said, threading his fingers through her hair, "what do you say?"

"Yes." The word burst out of Evelyn, barely more than a whisper, as if someone else had answered for her. And, perhaps, in a way, someone had. For, surely, this was not her—this wild-haired, intoxicated woman. She was always calm and collected. She would never have let Raymond do whatever scandalous—and utterly delightful—things he had planned for her. Yet here she was, trembling in his arms, as he bent his head towards her.

Raymond smiled again, noting her eagerness. "Hmm," he murmured, ghosting his lips across her cheek. "Where should I start?"

Just kiss me already! Evelyn shouted silently. Though she remained silent, her body strained forward, longing to feel every hard line and curve of Raymond's body against hers, longing for his heated lips against her own.

It was as if Raymond had heard her thoughts. "What's the rush?" he teased, brushing his lips across hers. "We have all night."

"Raymond..." The voice that reached her ears was much too small and breathless to be her own. "I—oh..."

Her voice trailed off as a searing kiss was pressed against the side of her neck. "Is this more to your liking?" Raymond murmured, dragging his lips down to the hollow of her throat.

But Evelyn had lost all powers of speech. Raymond's lips were like fire, burning a trail across her skin. His teeth nipped at the sensitive skin of her collarbone, and Evelyn gasped as a bolt of pleasure shot through her. Smirking, Raymond dragged his teeth along her collarbone once more, pulling Evelyn's body more tightly against his own as he did so. "You like that, huh?" he whispered, sucking on the soft skin at the base of her neck. "Who would've thought."

As his lips continued their fiery path, Evelyn felt as if she might combust with pleasure. Never before, had any man made her feel as she did now—so full of passion and craving. It was as though Raymond's mouth was some magical drug, filling her with the most intense sensations and lustful desires she had ever felt in her life. His hands gripped her hips, lifting her off the ground, and, in an effort to steady herself, Evelyn wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing their bodies even more firmly against each other.

Then she felt Raymond moving, carrying her across the room and laying her down gently on the sofa they had just been sitting on. As he settled himself on top of her, Evelyn pulled away slightly. "What are you doing?" she whispered.

"I thought we might be more comfortable like this," he murmured, eyes dark with desire. "Don't you agree?"

In response, Evelyn reached for his shirt, her nimble fingers undoing the buttons swiftly. Grinning, Raymond helped her remove the garment, exposing his lithe torso. "I'm all yours, Miss Collins," he said huskily as Evelyn ran her fingers across his chest. "You may have your wicked way with me."

Evelyn stared up at Raymond, eyes wide with wonder. He was giving her the reins, letting her take control. Never before had she been allowed that kind of power. Every physical act with Charlie had been his choice and under his control. If he wanted her to do something, she did it. If he didn't want something to happen, then it didn't happen. Never before had she been allowed to do whatever she wanted to—until now.

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