Drabble - Peter x Reader x Chris

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In retrospect you should have realized it would be a mistake to put Peter in charge of the clothing. After all, he spent as much time bitching about what you and Chris wore as he did shopping for his own clothes. You'd kind of thought that would make him the perfect person to organize the bedroom in your new home but...

You leaned against Chris's side as Peter continued to show you were everything was. Finally, you held up a hand to stop him. "Peter, is this our closet or your closet?"

He huffed and straightened his spine. "Don't be dramatic. You have space right there." He indicated an area about a quarter of the size of his.

"You could have at least divided it into thirds, Hale," Chris pointed out. He sounded angry but his lips twitched in amusement.

"Oh, come on. You two wear t-shirts and flannel. Sweaters. Your stuff is fine in the dressers. I have shirts that cost more than your entire wardrobe."

He was so indignant and annoyed that you couldn't hold your laughter any longer. Chris quickly joined in and Peter just glared at the two of you with his arms crossed over his chest. "Yes, it's all very amusing. Laugh at the werewolf."

"Oh, we are," you assured him.

He made a face and stomped past the two of you, his shoulder knocking into Chris on his way by. The hunter sobered instantly and placed a hand on Peter's shoulder to stop him from leaving. "Peter."

The wolf turned to face the two of you, an eyebrow arched in anticipation. "Yes?"

"Is your shirt okay?" The two of you fell into hysterics again while Peter stormed out of the room.

"Oh, fuck you both."

"Okay," you said instantly, though you were still laughing. When your wolf didn't return, you yelled after him. "You're such a tease, Hale."

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