Pressure - Chris Argent & Peter Hale

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You still weren't certain when your life became so difficult. It wasn't when your father revealed to you that you came from a long line of hunters and it was your duty to kill supernatural creatures that threatened the world. When he kicked you out for refusing to kill people that hadn't done anything wrong, you simply packed up and headed to Beacon Hills. You could have gone anywhere but rumor had it that the Argents were living there peacefully with the local werewolf pack. That they were, in fact, working together. That's all you needed to know.

Scott McCall's pack had accepted you easily enough and you were soon part of the group. Most of your time was spent with the Argents and the Hales simply due to the fact you had left high school behind some time ago. And this'd never seen so many different supernatural creatures in one area before. But you just dealt with all that and kept living your life.

If you had to pinpoint it, you'd say it was three pack meetings ago that things started become harder for you. And for once, it had nothing to do with the supernatural. Chris and Peter had retreated to the kitchen under the guise of refilling the snack bowls. When it took them way longer than it should have to return, you went to check on them. That was your first mistake.

"I'm telling you she likes me," Peter hissed. They stood less than a foot apart, staring each other down. "I could smell her arousal."

Anger sparked in Chris's eyes. "Who says that's for you, Hale? You aren't the only one in the room. I don't need supernatural senses to see the way she watches me."

Your eyes darted between the two of them. For just a moment you hoped they were talking about anyone else, but knew that was unlikely. You'd obviously done a horrendous job of keeping your feelings for both men hidden. You shifted your gaze to the floor and cleared your throat. "You two should hurry up. The kids are hungry."

You didn't wait for a response before returning to your seat in the other room. For the rest of the meeting you could feel their heavy stares watching your every move. Your face heated under their attentions, but you did your best to ignore them. They wouldn't let you ignore this forever but you intended to do it for as long as possible.

For once, things were pretty calm around town so the meeting wrapped up fairly quickly. Chris and Peter left immediately after, whispering amongst themselves. You gave them some time to head out then dismissed yourself as the others started arguing about what movie to watch. "Bye," you called as you stepped outside and shut the door behind you.

You froze on the front step as you realized both the men you'd been hoping to avoid were leaning on the side of your car. They straightened as you walked toward them, their eyes looking you over. Chris gave you a cockeyed grin, while Peter maintained his blank expression. "You two need something?" You did your best to avoid making eye contact as you unlocked the doors and opened the back to throw your stuff on the seat.

A hand wrapped around your wrist and spun you to face them. You were nearly pressed against Chris' chest and your heart began to race despite your best efforts. Damn these two. "I'm going to assume by the way you are attempting to avoid the two of us that you heard our conversation."

Another hand fell on your shoulder and pulled you back, putting more room between you and the hunter. "How about giving her a little room to breathe, Argent?" Peter said.

"Y/N is perfectly capable of—"

"Would you two please stop?" It came out in a groan, which you supposed was fair considering how frustrated you were feeling right then. You took a large step away from both of them so they were forced to stop touching you. "I can't do this okay?"

Peter held out a hand as if to reach for you, but he stopped short. "Just give us a second. We aren't trying to upset you."

You crossed your arms over your chest and glanced down at the ground. "I know you're not, but I don't like you two fighting. Not because of me."

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