Not Amused - Derek Hale x Male!Reader

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You weren't even supposed to be there. In fact, you'd promised your boyfriend Derek you absolutely 100% would not get involved with Scott and Stile's plan to find the witch that had carved curses into their front doors. But you had also promised your two best friends that you wouldn't let your relationship with Derek change anything between the three of you.

The three of you had always gotten into trouble together almost from the time you could walk and frankly you didn't see that changing anytime soon. You loved that Derek wanted to protect you, but he couldn't expect that you would abandon your friends. His argument that you were only human didn't hold much weight when Stiles was right there with you.

Knowing Derek wouldn't expect you until later, the three of you skipped out on Lacrosse practice claiming you'd given each other the stomach flu. Coach had merely rolled his eyes and waved you off. Last time he made someone practice that said they were sick, Greenburg had puked all over his shoes. It had amused all of you. Coach, not so much.

So, you'd followed Scott's nose into the woods and found some sort of altar with melted candles and symbols drawn in blood. "Who the hell did you two piss off?" you asked and ran a hand over your head.

"What makes you think we did something?" Stiles asked defensively.

"Um...I don't see curses carved into my front door, dude," you said.

"Maybe it's a wolf thing," Scott suggested.

"Human," you said and pointed at Stiles.

"But he's still pack."

"So are a lot of other people but none of us have had anything happen," you argued. An uneasy feeling crawled up your spine and you darted a glance around, looking for any threat. "Let's get out of here before my boyfriend decides to go for a jog and stumbles across us."

"I still don't get why you're dating sour wolf," Stiles grumbled.

You arched a brow. "Because he's hot. And sweet. And he does this thing with his tongue—"

"Woah," Scott exclaimed, cutting you off. "I don't need to know that, Y/N."

You shrugged as your lips twisted into a smirk. "He asked."

"Yeah, I won't be making that mistake again," Stiles assured you.

Your laugh was cut off by a gasp as you suddenly found yourself flying through the air. You slammed into a tree, the impact knocking all the breath from your lungs. Pain pierced your side when you fell to the ground. You turned and grunted when you saw the rather large stick protruding from your abdomen. Only you would manage to do something like that.

Stiles and Scott's yells filled the air, but they were both moving away from you. Your head throbbed and you wondered if you'd managed to hit that too. Or maybe the witch had cursed you as well. Derek was going to be so mad.

You managed to get your phone out of your pocket without jostling your side too much and called your favorite wolf (sorry, Scott).

"Y/N?" he answered after the first ring. "Aren't you at practice? Did something happen?"

"Woods. Witch. Ow," you said succinctly and braced yourself for his blowup.

Instead, you were met with only a low, furious growl before he hung up. He was definitely pissed. You focused on staying quiet while you waited, hoping the witch would forget you even existed.

Evidently you fell asleep because the next thing you remember was Derek's voice. "So the witch threw him into a tree and you just ran off and left him?" His voice was more growl than anything else.

"It wasn't like that, Derek. We lured her away so she'd leave him alone," Scott defended himself and Stiles.

"Bullshit." You turned your head so you would be able to see him when he came into view. "He wasn't even supposed to be out here. You promised me." His eyes found yours as he stepped out from behind a large tree. He knelt beside you as he looked you over. "You all promised me."

You winced at the disappointed tone of his voice. "Sorry, Der."

He hummed in agreement. "I'm sure you are. You look like shit."

"Thanks," you said and huffed a laugh immediately regretting it as pain flared from your wound. "Oh, don't make me laugh."

Derek smiled at you though it didn't reach his eyes. Worry and fury fought for dominance there. "I'm going to pick you up. It won't be pleasant. I'm sorry."

You nodded once to let him know you understood then closed your eyes as you braced yourself for the movement. You clenched your teeth together to keep from crying out as he lifted you into his arms.

Derek pressed his forehead against yours. "Sorry, Y/N."

"I'm okay, Derek," you assured him but you were certain he didn't believe you.

He started walking and you could hear your friends following behind. "You were hiking and Y/N fell. Got it?" Derek asked.

"We, um, we told Coach we had the stomach flu," Stiles stammered.

Derek rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. His jaw was set and, other than the occasional glance to make sure you were okay, he kept his gaze straight ahead.

"I don't think the flu is going to explain him getting stabbed in the stomach, Stiles," Scott reasoned. "Coach is going to find out we lied."

"Oh God, the laps," Stiles groaned. "So many laps."

Derek's eyes flashed and he bared his teeth though you were the only that could see it. "One more word, Stilinski and I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth."

"Guys, I would shut up now. The werewolf is not amused," you said.

Your boyfriend looked down at you with an arched brow. "You just wait until you're healed up, little human. You'll see just how not amused I am."

"Hey, Derek?" Stiles said causing Derek to close his eyes in a search for patience.

"What?" he bit out.

"What exactly is the thing you do with your tongue?"

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