True Mate (Part 2) - Peter Hale

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"Don't you think there might be a better way to do this?" Derek asked as they rode the elevator up to the floor where the alpha pack had taken up residence.

Peter tilted his head from side to side stretching the muscles in his neck. "Oh, I'm positive there's a better way to do this, but I'm not leaving Y/N in there any longer than I have to."

"So us storming in there and getting ourselves killed is going to help her how?"

Peter glared at his nephew. "I don't know, okay? I don't know anything except for the fact that she's in there right now scared out of her skull and thinking I don't give a shit about her. I told you not to come."

Derek shrugged as the elevator came to a stop. "And I told you that I'm doing this for her. Not you."

Peter grunted as he made his way quietly down the hall. "Yes. You keep telling me that. I think I get it." The rest of the pack was scattered throughout the building. Even the Argents had agreed to help. Though they too made it clear they were doing it for Y/N not him. Whatever. He didn't care as long as his mate was rescued.

He took a deep breath as he came to the door. He knocked loudly and shifted his weight on his feet as he waited for someone to answer. The door swung open and that bitch Kali stood smirking at him. "Can I help you?"

"You took something that belongs to me. I want it back," he answered.

Her eyes widened along with her smirk. "That must make you the mate. Oh, Deucalion will be so pleased you are here." She gripped the front of his shirt and pulled him into the apartment. He spotted Derek stumbling through behind him, just before the door slammed shut.

"What's with the noise?" Deucalion asked and Peter straightened his stance.

"The mate is here," Kali said, that ever present smirk still on her face.

The blind werewolf sniffed the air then came to stand in front of Peter. "Why does it come as no surprise to me that you're the one that fucked everything up?"

Before Peter could respond, something hit the back of his head and he blacked out.


The pain was the first thing Peter was aware of as he began to wake. They must have hit him hard for it to still be hurting. Damn it. He groaned as he lifted his head and squinted against the glare of the lights. He was a little surprised to find himself still in the alpha apartment, though now he was chained to a chair. Derek hung from chains bolted to the ceiling on the other side of the room. At the moment they were alone.

"Have you seen her?" Peter asked.

Derek's dark eyes studied his uncle then he shook his head. "No. You know when you called her your mate I thought you were speaking figuratively."

"Yeah, well, I wasn't."

"Then why did you say what you did this morning?" Derek questioned with a bite to his tone. "Surely you don't feel that way if she's your mate."

Peter ran his tongue across his teeth as he thought about what answer to give. Finally, he decided the truth was the best option. This was Derek after all. "I didn't want any of you using her against me. I didn't want her put in danger."

"Do you really think we'd do that?" Derek almost shouted.

"What reason did I have to think you wouldn't?" Peter snapped back.

"Well, it's Y/N for one thing."

"Hate to interrupt, but we have some unfinished business," Deucalion said as he stepped out of a room and shut the door behind him.

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