True Mate (Part 1) - Peter Hale

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A/N: This story was originally published in my multiple fandom imagines book


All of your friends were currently gathered in Derek Hale's loft. Tension was heavy in the air because while you were friends with everyone here, they most certainly were not friends with each other. In fact, the only reason they were currently gathered together was you.

The alpha pack had arrived in Beacon Hills bringing chaos and terror with them. At first, Deucalion had been single minded in getting Derek to kill his pack. Then he seemed to be trying to get Scott on his side. That all changed when he discovered you. Now, the threat was hand over the girl or we'll kill the pack. None of you had any idea why.

Like Stiles, you were a human. You were useful, smart, and helped them out on several occasions. The fact you had EMT training had come in handy more than once. None of that explained why the alpha of alphas would be interested in you. You put on a brave face, but inside you were terrified. Currently you were on lockdown in Derek's loft.

"Y/N!" Someone shouted your name and your head jerked up to see Stiles crouched in front of you, a frown on his face. "You okay?"

"Sorry, my brain was elsewhere."

He patted your shoulder as he stood. "Understandable. We're going to follow up on a lead. Peter's staying with you."

You nodded once. That was to be expected. Peter declared himself too weak to get involved with the alpha drama. You didn't buy it for a moment. That being said, you were the only one Peter got along with for any length of time and you didn't mind having him for a guard. You watched the pack leave then turned as you heard Peter coming down the stairs.

He gave you a semblance of a smile. "Hello, Y/N."

"Hi, Peter," you said and dropped onto the couch.

He came and sat beside you. "You've really done it this time, huh?"

You glared at him. "How is this my fault? Trust me, I have done absolutely nothing to attract Deucalion's attention."

He simply arched a brow and smirked as if he knew something you didn't. "It must be aggravating to be stuck here while your friends all run off to try to save you," he finally said.

"It must be aggravating to be stuck here babysitting while the real wolves run off to do something actually productive," you shot back.

Peter looked at you in surprise for a moment then laughed loudly. "That's why you're my favorite, Y/N. You don't take any of my shit. You don't get angry, you don't take it personal, you just come back with something."

You chuckled. "Thanks, I guess. I'm honored."

"Oh, you should be. I don't like anyone." He stood and offered his hand. "Let's find something for dinner. I'm starving."

It quickly became apparent to both of you that Derek needed to go to the store as there was almost no food in his kitchen. Finally, you found some cereal in one of the cabinets, but life being what it is, you couldn't reach it. Peter came up behind you, his front pressing against your back as he reached over your head and grabbed the box from the top shelf. Your heart raced and your breath hitched at the contact.

Peter hummed softly and placed his hands on your hips to turn you around. He didn't give you any more space than you'd had before. "I heard that, Y/N," he teased as his gaze darted between your lips and your eyes.

"H-heard what?" Your voice was breathy and you wanted to smack yourself. Peter was never supposed to know that you liked him. That was the absolute last thing that was supposed to happen. There was no way he would return the feeling so you had hoped to keep it a secret until roughly the end of all time.

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