Surprise?? - Chris Argent x Reader x Peter Hale

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Today was your birthday. You hadn't expected much from the day honestly. After all you lived alone and had no family to speak of. Your boyfriends were out of town, but you'd seen almost all of your friends throughout the day. And not one had so much as uttered a birthday greeting. There was always so much going on in Beacon Hills you understood why it would be forgotten, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

Your phone rang and you smiled when you saw that Lydia was calling. "Hey," you answered.

"Y/N, can you meet us at Deaton's? There's an omega around and they hurt a kid. When Isaac went after them, they got him too. We could use your help," she said quickly.

Your smile fell. "Of course," you replied regardless and hung up. You don't know why they always asked you to help instead of just telling you where to go. You were pack just like everyone else.

A sigh of irritation left your lips as you grabbed your keys off the hook by the door and hurried out to your car. This wasn't exactly what you had pictured when you thought about going out for your birthday.


"You could have gotten us all killed, Isaac," Scott snarled after the pack had taken down the three omegas. Isaac had failed to distinguish their scents earlier though it should have been relatively easy for him to do so. Obviously, Scott was pissed.

"I'm sorry, Scott. What else do you want me to say?" the beta snapped. "I messed up. I didn't do it on purpose and I can't fix it now."

The alpha snarled and flashed red eyes making Isaac duck his head.

"Enough," you said. You were tired, hurt and bloody. All of your friends, and your boyfriends, had evidently forgotten your birthday and you just wanted to go home. Netflix, a fuzzy blanket and (Y/F/D) were calling your name.

Scott's head jerked in your direction. He scowled at you. He was used to you being the compliant one. You didn't like to make waves.

"Yelling at him isn't going to change anything. I've had a really shitty day and I'd like to go home now." You didn't wait for a response before turning to make your way to your car. You were nearly there before someone caught up with you.

"You okay, Y/N?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about snapping at you."

"Don't be. I deserved it. I just don't like it when people get hurt." He rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. "Some of us are heading to Derek's loft. You want to come with?"

"Not really. Is that okay?" you asked, a brief hope that they'd planned something for your day creeping up.

"Yeah, it's fine. We'll see you later," he said with a smile and a wave before running off in a different direction.

Tears pooled in your eyes and you willed them to stay put until you got home.


When you arrived at your little house, you got out of the car and slammed the door. Your arms were crossed over your chest and your head was down as you went up the walk to the door. It was only then that you noticed that your front door was open, though the screen was closed. You frowned and a jolt of fear went through you until you realized your dog was standing on the other side wagging their tail at you. A canine smile had you grinning in return.

"Hello?" you called without opening the door. Y/D/N would have attacked any intruder they weren't familiar with.

A familiar face peeked out from the kitchen so you could see him. Peter Hale. Your smile widened as you opened the screen and stepped inside. "I thought you guys were going to be out of town for another week," you said as he stepped out to greet you.

Instead of responding to you, he frowned with a worried look in his eye. "What happened to you, sweetheart?"

You glanced down and wrinkled your nose as you took in the blood that had ruined your favorite shirt. "Omega bastards," you complained and lifted up your shirt to look at the still healing claw marks in your side.

"Shit," Peter spat out and closed the distance between you. "Chris," he called over his shoulder.

The other man in your life Chris Argent came out to join the two of you. His quick stride told you he'd picked up on the worry in Peter's voice. "What happened?"

"Omegas apparently," Peter answered.

Chris ran his eyes over you, smiling when his gaze met yours. "Not exactly the birthday gift you were expecting, huh?"

You pressed your lips together but his words were the breaking point for you. Tears started running down your face and both men's faces shifted to pure panic. You didn't cry. You just didn't. Not in front of anyone any way. They'd certainly never seen it.

"Hey, hey, hey," Peter coaxed, pulling you against his chest and placing a comforting hand on the back of your head. "What's the matter?"

Chris wrapped himself around the both of you and ran his hand up and down your back in a soothing gesture. "It's okay, baby. We're here."

You allowed them to just hold you for a long moment. When you pulled back with a sniff, you wiped the tears from your cheeks. "Sorry. It's just...Everyone forgot."

Their brows furrowed in confusion.

You wiped at your eyes again. "No one remembered my birthday."

"No one?" Peter asked in surprise.

You shook your head. "And I thought you guys were going to be unreachable for another week. And then the stupid omegas. It's been a bad day."

Chris tugged you closer to him and wrapped his arms around you. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "Why don't we get you cleaned up? Then we can have the pizza we picked up, followed by presents and Y/F/D while we watch a movie."

You tilted your head back and smiled up at him before pressing your lips to his. The kiss quickly turned more sensual. After all, you hadn't seen your men in almost a week. You pulled away and sucked in a breath. "I missed that. I missed you."

Chris grinned at you but didn't have time to respond before Peter spun you into his own arms. "Forget someone, sweetheart?"

"Never," you answered before getting pulled into another heated kiss. His lips stayed pressed to yours as he steered you toward your bedroom.

By the time the three of you separated long enough to eat and open presents it technically wasn't your birthday anymore. Not that you minded in the least.

And when Lydia realized the next afternoon they had all forgotten your special day, she had everyone meet her at your house. When they decided to surprise you and opened the unlocked door without knocking...well, let's just say they were the ones who got a surprise.

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