Chapter Seventeen

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   Then I remember it's my turn to ask Merrick a question. "I totally forgot," I say slapping my forehead. "It's my turn to ask you."

"Ask away," Merrick says.

"Truth or dare?" I ask.

"Umm truth."

I scroll through the truth section of the tweets.

"Have you ever kissed another girl?"

His answer is immediate. "Nope. Only Melody. And honestly, I hope to keep it that way."

My hearts melts. "Awwww," I say. I lean over to give him a kiss and he kisses back and we kiss for a long time.

He's the first to pull back, but only by a fraction. Our breaths still mixed, his washing over my face in a sweet scent that makes me giddy and makes my heart beat faster.

He whispers, "Well unless you want to give the viewers a real show, we probably should get back to them."

"Okay," I whisper back.

We pull away, and since we've been doing the live for a while, we decide it's a good time to stop.

"Thanks so much guys for joining our live today! We hope to try and go live again soon! Bye!" I say my goodbye as well and we end the live.

I turn back to Merrick, and he looks back at me. "What now?" I ask.

"Well if you wanted to finish what you started earlier I wouldn't be opposed," he says.

I cup his face in my hands and kiss him again. His hands tangle in my hair at the base of my neck, and one of mine goes to his hair, and the other to the back of his neck.

   The kiss deepens and my desire is getting hotter by the second and I can feel it's what Merrick wants too. Our bodies are practically melded together. All of a sudden I hear-

   "Hey Mel- Whoa! When I said leave it for the bedroom I didn't mean it."


   Merrick and I break apart and I whirl around to see Sagan in the doorway. I am a bright red and super embarrassed. I hide my face in Merrick's shirt and groan and having been caught making out with him by Sag.

   Merrick laughs and wraps his arms around me and pulls me on his lap to hold me close and give me a space to hide. I can feel Sag's eyes on my back burning holes in me.

   When I'm no longer supremely embarrassed, I turn to face Sag, although my face is still somewhat red. "What do you want Sag?" I ask him.

   "Nothing now. It's hard for me to look you in the face, and vice versa."

   "No duh!" I say kinda loudly.

   "I mean, if I hadn't walked in where would you be now?"

   "Sag," I say in a warning tone.

   "I just don't want a nephew just yet."

   "And what if you ended up getting one anyway?" I challenged. "Or a niece? Would you love them?"

   "Of course I would. I just don't want you to deal with anything you're not ready for. Mel, you're basically my cool older sister at this point and I don't want you to- to leave because you're not ready for something. And then I'll have to deal with Mr. Mopey after his heart is broken."

   I sigh and hold my arms out for him to hug me. He comes over and hugs me and I hug him back. We stay like that for a minute. I kiss the top of his head and pull away holding him at arms length.

   "Sagan Hanna, I promise you I won't give you a nephew or niece until we're ready." He holds out his pinky and I interlock it's with mine. He leaves and I turn back to Merrick.

   I notice has a sad sort of expression on his face. "What's wrong Merrick?" I ask.

   "Would you?" he asks.

   "Have kids? Mer, you know we're not ready."

   "No not that. I mean, if it somehow happened, would you..." he trails off and I realize what he means.

   "Leave?" He nods his head down, not looking at me.

   I pull his chin up and look him in the eyes. "Merrick Hanna, I promise whatever happens I will not leave you. You are mine and I love you. So so much, Mer." I hold out my pinky. He locks his with mine, and I smile. He returns it with a small one of his own.

   A little while later, at around nine, Merrick and I are in bed, all ready for sleep. We're cuddling and his cheek is on my head, my arms around his waist, and his arms around all of me, rubbing circles on my back. Then, I hear footsteps in the hallway. Sag appears in pajamas. "Can I cuddle too?" he asks.

   I sit up and hold out my arms for him. We basically all share my bed now. He climbs into bed, arms around my waist, and head on my chest. My arms reach all the way around Merrick's waist and he envelops both me and Sag.

   "Can you sing?" I realized both of them have asked and I can't help but giggle.

   "Sure." I decide to sing the same lullaby I did last time, and when I'm done, they're both out like a light. I snuggle in and soon enough, I'm asleep as well.


Author's Note

Hey guys!! I decided to update today because I felt really bad for not updating last week. As you know, I hate an unfinished story. I hope you all know, I love you so so very much!! I've decided to dedicate this to my two most loyal readers because they convinced me to keep going with this and yeah. I love you all and will see you next time!! xxPhoenixRosexx KitKat9191

My Robot Boy (On temporary HIATUS! and in need of editing)Where stories live. Discover now