Chapter Three

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"Mija. Mija! MELODY!"

I jerked awake. Where was I? Then the memories came rushing back.

"Hurry mija, we're getting off now."

We got off the plane, and my father led me over to where our bags would be. We got our bags and started off, but before we could get very far-

"Mel! Mr. H!" I knew that voice anywhere. Mer and I had the same initials, and we both called each other's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Well, I didn't have a "Mrs. H", but you get the idea.

I whirled around.

"Mer!" I ran toward him and hugged him. When we were little, Mer and I were around the same height, but now, he was about a whole half a head taller.

I hugged him hard and buried my face in his chest, breathing in his scent. He smelled good, like apple pie and sunflowers.

"You still smell like coffee with cream," he murmured into my hair.

I laughed and we pulled away looking at each other. I studied him. Still no freckles even though that was what he wanted most. Blue eyes as bright as ever. Hair the color of liquid caramel.

I heard a distant laugh and snapped out of my trance. Mer stood there laughing and that made me blush.

"Hey don't be embarrassed. If I saw me for the first time in years I'd stare too," he said.

*Third Person*

In fact, the boy had been staring as well. Just not as noticeably. He'd seen her face and instantly been smitten. Her eyes as bright a green as ever. Hair the color of coffee and cream, her scent as well. Countless beautiful freckles he'd always wanted. He couldn't help himself.

*First Person*

I chuckled. "I bet you would Mer."

I turned.

"Sagan! Come here!"

He ran to my arms and hugged me right around the middle, and I hugged him back burring my face in his blonde hair.

Sagan was Merrick's younger brother. Sagan was blonde with grey-blue eyes and a fair few amount of freckles dotting his nose and cheeks. He was ten now. (AN: I have no idea how old Sagan really is so if someone could tell me that'd me great)

"How've you been?" I asked holding him out at arms length and inspecting him from top to bottom.

"Better now I get to see you again," he said pulling me into another hug.

"You're so big now. And you've got freckles like me. And blue eyes like Mer." I chuckled. My mom had had blonde hair, so if Merrick and I were older, he'd've been mistaken for ours.

"Alright, let's go children," Mrs. H said.

Sagan took my hand and pulled me along to the car. Then, we were off.

*Skip car ride cuz that's boring*

"Wow," I breathed.

Their house was beautiful. It was two story and and had a pretty big back and front yard.

They led me upstairs to where I would be staying. My room was right next to Merrick's, and across the hall from Sagan's. Mer and I had a Jack-and-Jill bathroom and Sagan used the one next to his room. My room had a four-poster bed with a curtain that was kinda see-throughish and a pale blue color. The sheets, blanket, and pillowcase were all various shades of blue. The wallpaper was white with sunflowers, and that carpet was a pale pastel yellow. The drawers were a beautiful mahogany, and overall, the room was absolutely gorgeous.

My Robot Boy (On temporary HIATUS! and in need of editing)Where stories live. Discover now