Chapter Fifteen

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*Merrick's Point of View*

   Today, I decided to do an Instagram live, and I called it "A Day in the Life of Merrick." I headed into my girlfriend's room to go wake her up on the live. I shook her gently. 

   "Melody. Wake up." She didn't respond, but continued to sleep. 

   "She loves sleep guys," I say to the live, which has approximately 13.7 thousand people watching now. "Well, to be fair, it's only eight and it's summer. We'll come back in an hour."

   An hour later of just doing what people on lives do, I head back inside to go wake up Melody. "Okay guys, it's time to say hi to Melody." But when I get in her room, she isn't there. "Melody?" I call out. 




*Melody's Point of View* 

   "Boo!" I yell. 

   Yeah, that's right. I was already up. When Merrick had come in earlier, I had pretended to be asleep. After he left, I got dressed in my new maroon blouse, black denim shorts, silver beanie, and silver Vans; and left my hair in it's natural loose waves. 

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                                                                 (The silver one she's wearing)

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                                                                 (The silver one she's wearing)

   All for this moment. 


   I was doubled over in laughter.

   Merrick's phone flew across the room as he threw it in fright. I stumble over to it before Merrick has the time to recover. I pick it up and look into the camera smiling widely. 

   "That is How to Scare Your Boyfriend 101, guys." I turn the camera to Merrick who has an unamused look on his face that makes me and the rest of the Instagram watchers laugh. The comments are all along the lines of: "HAHAHA" or "OMG poor Merrick I kinda feel bad that I can't stop laughing" or "Yas gurl! You go!"

   To make it up to him, I give him a full-on kiss, and everyone on the live can see. He immediately kisses me back and we kiss for a full six seconds. 

   He sighs and says, "All is forgiven if, you give me another kiss."

   "Gladly," I say. I give him another kiss, but this one is for longer. Like eleven seconds. 

   "Then entire of the Instagram live watchers are going nuts in the comments, saying things like: "YEEEESSSSS!!!!" or "THIS IS SO CUTE!!!" or "THEY KISSED!!!!!" 

    I turn back to the camera. "That is How You Get Forgiven By Your Boyfriend After Pulling An Awesome Prank 101. I'm not the best at title making." The comments are all like: "I'll have to use that" or "Best title ever!!!!" 

   I turn to Merrick. "So. What are we gonna do today?" 

   He shrugs and says, "I don't know. Whatever you want to." 

   We go outside for a while and play outdoor games, and stuff like that. Then, an idea hits me and I say to Merrick, "Merrick, I know what we're gonna do today!" 


Author's Note

Hey guys!! I know I know only 560 words you guys must already have your pitchforks ready, but please don't come at me!! I hereby promise- no- I swear on my Wattpad account I will write and publish a part tomorrow that is over 1000 words so hold off until then and if you don't like it then, I give you full permission to come at me but at least wait til then. Please. Also, go follow my TikTok which is amazinggracy and my backup which is .gracy_backup and my Instagram which is xgracy.overtonx Remember, I love you all and you are all special!!! Peace!!

My Robot Boy (On temporary HIATUS! and in need of editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu