Chapter Ten

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*Melody's Point of View*   

   After spending most of the day riding rides and eating fair foods, it was getting late. Mer's mom (whose name I found out is Aletha and his dad is Shawn) texted that Sag wasn't feeling well after having eaten some fair corndogs, so she left and wouldn't be able to pick us up until ten. Merrick's dad wouldn't either because he was out of town with work, and wouldn't be home til tomorrow. It was about 8:30 so we had roughly an hour-and-a-half left. 

   "What do you want to do now?" Merrick asked me. 

   "Umm, I don't know. What about you? Anything catch your eye?"

   "Well, one thing but it's more of a late night thing."

   That makes me curious. What could Mer possibly be planning? More importantly, how late was he planning for? Some other thoughts aroused and I got lost in them for a while. Just thinking. 

*Merrick's Point of View* (I seem to be writing a lot like this)

   I was kind of nervous for later. I was planning something that happened a lot in the movies, but I didn't know if she would like it. It was kind of a cheesy thing, but if there was anything I learned from movies, it was that girls like cheesy stuff from the heart. They like it when a guy pays attention and shows them affection. Makes them feel special. I just had to hope Melody would. 

*Melody's Point of View*

   About an hour later, I couldn't take it anymore. 

   "Meeeeerrrrrrrrr," I whined. 

   "Whaaaaaaaaaat," he copied. 

   "I can't take it anymore. What's the surprise?"

   He checks his phone for the time. "Come this way Mel."

   I followed him now more curious than ever. We stop in front of the ferris wheel. 

   I look to Mer in question. Why the ferris wheel?

   He just pulls me along and we get on, and we slowly start to go up. From up high, we can see all the beautiful, sparkling fair lights. 

   Once we get to the very top the ride stops and we hear this, "Attention all riders! Due to problems, the ride will be temporarily stopped. Thank you for your patience."

   I start to panic. I do okay with heights for a little while. Once I'm actually up for a while, however, I don't do so well. I close my eyes and try to focus. Breathe, Melody, breathe. Then, once again, a hand gently grabs mine and I look to see Merrick asking again with his eyes if I'm alright. 

   "Mel, look at me." The sound of my nickname coming from him soothes me a little. Enough for me to look him in the eyes. 

   "Try and match my breathing." Together we try and successfully get my breathing to normal. "This was not my brightest idea," he says. And I look in question, silently asking what exactly he planned. 

   He sighs. "I planned to take you up here, not to get stuck, but to show you all the colorful lights, because I know you like looking at things like this even though your favorite color is black." He chuckles then runs his free hand through his hair. 

   I manage to get a grip and talk. "Thank you." He turns to me as if to confirm what he heard. "No one has ever done anything like this before for me and-" I pause unsure if I should finally say the words that've been weighing on my mind forever. I take a deep breath and continue.

   "And I think now's the perfect time to tell you something. I like you Merrick. Not just as a friend. I like like you. Even love you. You've been there for me and you helped me and you were everything I needed and more. I know you don't feel the same, but-" I was stopped by-


Author's Note

What was she stopped by?! I'm sure you all want to know. I have a deal for you. I seem to be making a lot these days. I know I promised a double update on the day I hit 100. However, a lot of stuff has gone down lately, and I'm not sure I'll be able to. But, like I said, I have a deal. If you guys can get me to forty votes and 140 reads by 5 today, I will for sure update and it will be a good one. If not I'll probably have to leave it for tomorrow cuz I have a lot going down rn. It takes a lot to write even a decent chapter. Remember I love each and every one of you!! Please vote and comment and spread the word!! See you next time!!

My Robot Boy (On temporary HIATUS! and in need of editing)Where stories live. Discover now