Chapter 17 - Waiting Room

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Thunder roared as the rain poored from the sky. Eight year old Sidney was tucked under the covers, holding a pillow over her head. She yelped when the Thunder roared again causing her to hold the pillow closer. She barely heard the knock on the door but she answered.

"C-come in-" Her small scream cut her off when it thunder.

The door cracked open, revealing a confused Connor. "Hey, where'd you go? I thought we were playing go fish."

Sidney peeked threw her covers. "I-I good. Y-you can ask Dawn to play now."

His eyebrows knitted together and he stepped inside. "Are you sick or something?"

She was about to answer but the thunder struck, sending her back under the covers. She held her pillow tight as tears rolled down her face. She didn't want Connor to see her like this. "I-I fine! I just...I need to be alone right now!" She said muffled.

Connor's eyes widened in realizing, "You're scared." he breathed. He had never seen Sidney scared before. And if she was, she'd always cover it with a daring look. Prepared to tackle her fear, but this...

Her head shot up from the covers. "N-no I'm not Connor! I'm not scared of anythi-" she let out a short scream and covered her ears as thunder bolted across the sky.

Connor stared at her in shock. She's afraid of something. He thought with a smile. Good to know she's a girl.

When she cracked her eyes open she frowned. She snatched a pillow off the bed and chugged it at his face. "What are you smiling at!?" She yelled.

He held back a laugh, catching the pillow before it hit him. "I'm not trying to make fun of you Sidney."

"Then go away!" She threw the cover over her head and plopped back down on the pillow.

Connor walked up to the bed, kneeling down and resting his chin on his crossed arms. "I can help you with your fear." He said.

Slowly, Sidney pocked her head out. "Are you lying?"

He shook his head 'no'.

Thunder struck, making her flinch and shut her eyes. "I-I'm okay. T-this is how I deal with my fear." She went back under the covers and curled into a ball. He's gonna make fun of me. She thought, bringing more tears to her eyes.

A few moments later, she felt the bed dip slightly and a warm hand wrapped around her waist. She brought her head up from the covers and saw Connor laying there with his eyes closed. 

 She frowned, but tucked her head in his chest, snuggling closer. She began to relax, allowing the last tear to drop from her eye. "Thanks Connor." She mumbled.

He smiled"I wont let anything bad happen to you Sidney." He whispered.

Thunder bolted once more, but this time, she stayed calm, snuggling closer to him. She believed every word he said.


Sidney's arms stayed wrapped around Connor's neck as thunder bulted threw the lab. "C-C-Connor?

He hesitantly held her waist, her act cought him way off gard. His mind went blank. How many years has it been since she hugged him like this? Her eyes were squeezed shut and her arms trembled around him.

"D-d-do that  t-thing you-you did when we were k-kids." She wimpered out.

He swallowed hard, trying to take his mind off the lemon smell he missed. "Um I-...but you never-"

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