Chapter 13 - Moments

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Sidney's back was resting on the side of the bed, Charlotte had her back resting on the bed, and Veronica was laying across Sidney's legs.

They had been like this for about an hour just looking at nothing in Sidney's room while their siblings played in the twins room. 

Sidney had to take care of Tony and Grace while their parents went out for dinner. Charlotte brought Isabella with her. And wait she left her sister at home with the mom.

Suddenly a knock came to the door. Sidney sigh "Come in."

The door cracked open and Tony pocked his head threw "Hey." He said.

Sidney gestured for him to come in, so he made his way over to her. "What are you doing?" He asked calmly.

Veronica lifted up her legs and he sat down beside Sidney, then she brought them back down, caging him in the boat of bordom.

"Regretting attending school." She looked over at him "Did the girls kick you out?"

He shook his head "No, I left. They were having a tea party."


Veronica perked up "A tea party!? And I wasn't invited!?"

Sidney patted her back "There, there."

She let out a pout and Charlotte spoke "Tony, what would you do if you had to tutor a really mean person?"

Tony held Veronica's ankles on his lap so they wouldn't slid off. "I would help them until they're not stupid anymore. They'll be happy I did, even though they may not say it."

She smiled at that. Sidney looked over at him and grimaced "What would you do if you had to be with the person you hate?"

"Forgive." He shrugged "It's only sucking the life out if you if you don't."

"What would you do if you saw your crush making out with someone?" Veronica muttered.

"WOAH!" Sidney and Charlotte shouted in union.

Tony's face became flustered and he looked down "I-I don't know."

Sidney looked down at her in disbelief "Nick was making out with someone?!"

Charlotte shook her head "Disputable."

"How did you guys even know it was him?!" She blushed.

Sidney shrugged " Call it  intuition."

Charlotte rolled over on her stomach "You can't answer that Tony?"

His face warmed even more "N-no. I-I've never had a crush befo-mm!"

Sidney had grabbed his cheeks in one hand, studying his face. "You're lying."

He frowned, still blushing "Noo m dot."

She beamed "You're actually lying right now!"

"No m dot!" 

She let go and Veronica got up, sitting criss cross infront of them. "I wanna know who she is." She cooled

Charlotte perched her head up on her palms. "Yeah diddo."

"Mmhm." Sidney nodded.

He fumbled with his hands in his lap. "It's not important." He muttered. 

"Oh yes it is." Sidney smirked " And your telling us who it is or else."

When he didn't respond, she tackled him to the floor, tickling his sides. He laughed, squirming to get away.

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