Chapter 16 - I Swear

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Anxiousness filled the air as all five of them watched Charlotte in her sprinting position. Doctor Reese watched her for a few more seconds, causing the room to thicken with expectation.


A bult of light exsploded from Charlotte, setting her eyes and body ablaze with lightning. She swisted her foot on the floor, preparing herself.

Doctor Reese held the button down."Begin."

Charlotte shot out, running at lightning speed in place on the built in sonic treadmill, inplanted in the floor. Sparks of light flickered around her as she focused her energy on running.

All their eyes widened at her speed. "This is insane." Nick muttered, staring at her in aw.

"No kidding." Veronica nodded.

The energy level on the glass slowly rose, showing she was running 8, 000 Megawatts per hour. Doctor Reese was shocked at the results, she had grown faster than she expected. Much faster.

"Her energy levels," Connor said, marvaling at her. "That's enough to power a whole city."

"Two cities." Sidney said from beside him.

Connor looked over at her. Her face was illuminated by the electricity, making her look even more beautiful in his eyes.

Charlotte continued to run until she got the okay to go the the second phase. She immediately shot up towards the ceiling just as two thick slabs of concert slid out from the side.

In mid air, she got into a fighting position and back kicked the slab, braking it into pieces. When gravity pulled at her, she straightened, holding her hands out and lit up, slowly floating back to the bottom.

When her feet tuched the floor, she relaxed. "How was that?" She asked. She didn't want to know what the others thought of her right then.

There was a pause then she spoke. "Charlotte, my system may have gliched a bit. Are you feeling tired in any way?" Doctor Reese asked.

She shook her head. "Not at all."

They all gaped at her from the other side.

"I didn't use a whole lot of energy with my running today so I'm feeling better than usual." She chuckled.

Doctor Reese stared at her in shock. She's growing too fast. She thought. At this rate, they'll never be able to-

"Doctor Reese?"

She snapped out of her thoughts and fumbled for the talk button. "Y-yes, that was extraordinary Charlotte." Jordan glanced over her with precaution. "You've grown quite a bit. Are you ready for the next phase?"

Charlotte nodded "Yes ma'am."

"What did I tell you about calling me that?" She chuckled, causing Charlotte to follow suit. "You make me feel old kid."

Doctor Reese flipped a switch as Charlotte brought her arm across her chest, stretching. Three square vents opened from each side, gushing water from out of them.

"Wait, what's happening?" Sidney asked, unfolding her arms.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine. This is just to see exactly how well she's able to focus." Doctor Reese confirmed.

Veronica frowned slightly. "But I thought you said she's 100% human? Humans can't breathe underwater."

She smiled. "Neither can they charge two cities with just their body's energy. Charlotte may be strong but she's not invincible. She can breathe under water for a certain amount of time just like the rest of us. But she can also divide the water as small as rain drops at the same time."

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