Chapter 4 - Feast of FUN

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All you could hear was forks clinking against plates and faint chewing. Nobody spoke after the maids brought the food in. And Sidney sure wasn't going to speak. Her parents invited the Smiths over for dinner, since they were close friends and it had been about two weeks since their last "feast of fun".

Her father (who was setting at the end) wiped his mouth with a napkin "So, how is school for you kids these days?"

Grace rose her hand, mouth full of mac n cheese "I made a friend today! Her names Katelyn, she likes pink and blue, her mom's a doctor at the hospital. She said she comes home really late because-"

As she continued to talk Sidney toned her out. She was forced to sit in front of Connor every time they ate. While his little sister Grace was talking beside him, his (also) little brother Tony continued to eat his green beans. 

Sidney had siblings too, two twin little sisters, both sitting on each sides of her. All of them were around the same age so they played a lot and went to the same school. Unfortunately, she's attending twinkle toes (as she likes to call him) school now. Yay.

"That's.. really great sweetie." Her dad said, holding head. He was lost before she even got to the middle of her rant. He looked up at Sidney eating her mac n' cheese "What about you Sidney?" 

She just shrugged, not taking her eyes off her plate.

"Oh come on now sweetheart," Her mother smiled "I know you have something interesting to tell us."

Sidney's eyes met her mother's smirk. She was doing this on purpose, and She was NOT liking it. Sidney tilted her head, giving quick smile then shoved a piece of stake in her mouth to prevent herself from jumping across the table.

Miranda (Connor's mother) cleared her throat "Well, Connor tells me you two are attending the same school now." 

'Is that right.' Sidney thought.

"Oh yeah," Dawn chimed in "That was a real shock right Steve?"

Her dad nodded "Real shock."

"Okay, can you guys just cut the crap already?" Sidney snapped "We go to the same school, big deal small world." 

"Ah, so she speaks." Connor smirked.

Sidney grimaced "Not now meat face, the adults are talking."

His eye brows rose "Oh, really? Because, I only see four adults here."

"Well, maybe you need to get you eyes checked."

He went back to eating "Maybe you need to get your brain checked."

"Maybe you need to get your gender check cause you're acting like a real bi-"

"No way really?" He beamed "So, that means  your a son of a female dog right? If so, feel free to confirm my hunch because your really starting to look like one."

Sidney raised her eye brows "Oh yeah? I look like a guy now right?"

"No I-"

"No let's keep'm honest shall we?" She crossed her arms " If that be the case, tell us exactly what species you are."

"Okay!" Her mother rushed "That's enough of that yeah? How about some desert?"

While Sidney and Connor never broke away from each others scowls, one of the maids bow and left the room for the desert.

Her mother started fanning herself "It's a bit hot in here isn't it?"

"Yeah, no kidding." Sidney muttered braking away to push she plate forward.

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