Chapter 2 - The First Chapter Basically ._.

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"So?" Charlottte repeat uninterested , continuing to push her pease around on her plate.

Her dad took a deep breath and sat his fork down  "Charlotte, sweetheart, I know this is getting old-"

She lifted her eyebrows at her plate "Mmhm."

"but your mother and I want to know how you feel about this." 

When she finaly glanced up from her plate, her parents wore the same concered look. She felt a small hand on her shoulder and turned her head to her little sister, Isabelle.

Her mouth was full with mash potatos as she spoke "Mom say's it's better to talk about it than hold it in."

Charlotte gave her a blank look "Thanks Isabelle." She faced her plate again as Isabelle continued to eat.

Her mother nodded "She's right honey."

"She's always right, mom." 

Her face sofened "So why don't you-"

Charlotte dropped her fork on her plate "Because! It's not going to change anything if I do or don't talk, I'm trancfering schools and there's nothing I can do about it!"

"Watch your tune honey." Her father sang, picking at his food.

Charlotte took one look at her mothers scowl and turned back to her food, muttering an apology.

Her mother's lips curled unto an smerk "You know darling, your not going to be alone."

Charolette rested her head on her palm. "Oh really, how so?"

"You'll see." Is all she said before turning to eating her own food.

Charolette sent her an flat look "Mom," She warned "What are you planning?"

Her only response was a shrug.

Charlotte didn't trust that shrug at all. She knows her mother is well capable of going over board with suprises, she just hoped it wasn't as bad as she thought.

She kicked her room door closed and fell face first on her bed. Not only was she tired of swiching between schools every year, she was also tired of keeping her eye lids open. As soon as she started to drift off to sleep, her phone rang.

She groaned into her pillow and slapped her hand around her bed inserch for her ringing friend. Once her hand hit it, she pulled it in front of her face, squinting her eyes at the brightness.


When the phone rang again, she mentally face palmed her self and answered.

"Mmyello?" She said groggly.

"Hey Charlotte, how's it- ew. Dude get the phone off your ear." 

Taking a deep breath, she sat her back against the back board of her bed. 

"Heeeey, there you are!" Sindey smiled.

Charlotte gave her a tired smile "Hi, Sidney."

"Hi Charolette!" Veronica said happley, jumping onto Sidney's bed, making the camera shake a little.

Charolette laughed at that "Hey, Veve."

Sidney scrunched her nose up a Veronica "Watch it women," she looked back at the camera "always messing up me a charolette's time."

She frowned "So, me and Charolette have our time that you mess up too."

Sidney sucked her teeth and tilted her head to the side "Na ah."

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