
Rave opened the van's door and frantically climbed inside, the teleporter for three clutched tightly in his hand. "Hold on tight!" Jessica whirled around to look behind her, slamming the gas in reverse.

Rave lurched forward, yelling a curse at Jessica as she put the van into drive and slammed the gas again, making up for Rave falling forward and slamming him back.

"WHERE'S THE SEATBELT?! WHERE'S THE SEATBELT?!" Rave screeched with pure fear as Jessica winced at his squawking. "Man up, Rave! Just put it on!"

Rave screeched again while trying to buckle his seatbelt. "TURN! TURN IN THE ROAD!" "I KNOW!" Jessica grabbed hold of the gear shift and forced it into park, swerving the wheel as hard as she could.

The van obliged a little too much, the back tires drifting noisily and the van tipping to the side just a little. Before Rave had the chance to scream again, Jessica shifted the car back into drive and slammed the gas pedal for a third time.

The van stopped tipping and seemed to balance itself from zooming forward once more. The toppled building was straight ahead now, with Jessica focused as ever, and Rave... Thankful to be alive.

"Wh... I... I can't... You..." Rave's stuttering ended with a large shadow growing bigger in front of them. He looked up and saw a rock aiming straight for them, rolling down the pile of rubble nearly as fast as the van.

"ROOOOOOOCK!" Rave yelled and shielded his eyes. This was it. He was going to die here. Jessica was going to die here. They'd both die.

The van swerved to the side. That was the rock. He was dead. He wasn't breathing anymore. He wasn't- "AUGH!"

He'd just hit his head on the dashboard. They had just leapt backwards, and...

The rock whooshed past the front of the car, and they were most definitely not dead. The van was stopped.

Rave stood still, paralyzed in fear. Jessica rested her head on the steering wheel, breathing heavily as she basked in the feeling of temporary safety.

"Rave... I am so, so, sorry. You don't have to come along anymore if you don't want-"

"Jessica if we make it out alive and I take control of the city will you please please please still have a job here driving the vans because that was SUPER BADASS!"

Rave blurted it out as quick as he could. Jessica looked at him in utter confusion. "That made you want me to drive your soldiers around?"

Rave's voice diminished to squeaks as he opened the car door to get out. "I mean, that was super cool and we would've died if you didn't do that. So I kinda think you'd be good at that. Kinda."

Jessica got out of the car and rolled her eyes. "I got my driver's license revoked 12 years ago." "What?" "Nothing."

They scanned the rubble, which seemed hollow and unstable. Rave looked to Jessica, who glanced back at him. "U-Uhm, so what now?"

Jessica looked to the rubble again. A metal beam sat diagonally buried in the midst of it all, shielding a small opening they could crawl through.

"We go in as fast as we can and then we get out just as quick with Gaster."

"Thanks. Now I know exactly what we're going to do." Jessica ignored him and ran over to inspect the opening. There, Jessica stepped inside. "Woah, woah, woah! A-Are you just gonna go right in?!" "Are you gonna come with me?"

Rave hesitated for a moment, and then stepped inside cautiously. The rumbling echoed off the walls and gave Rave an uncomforting feeling he'd be crushed flat.

Jessica was already running around, and she soon weaved her way around the rocks to try and find where she was last.

She soon came to a dead end. Looking around, she could only see rocky walls, but one in particular seemed looser. She gripped onto the rocks and pushed on them as hard as she could as Rave came up behind her.

Rave helped push the wall as it shifted little by little. Jessica got more and more determined on dislodging the wall, and soon enough, something had shifted and she fell forward into where the wall blocked off.

"JESSICA!" Rave yelled and leapt in after her. Jessica had caught herself before falling down more rocks, but Rave wasn't so lucky. He nearly tumbled down face-first before Jessica caught him by the leg and pulled him up, his hand still clutching the teleporter tightly.

The walls of this new place were extremely steep, and the rocks Rave and Jessica were standing on slid around right under their feet. "The only way's going to be going down!" Jessica eyed a giant rock on the ceiling about to tumble onto the steep wall. "Grab onto that when it falls!"

Rave gulped and looked to Jessica, but she was focused on the rock. Shakily, he turned his attention to it as well.

With a giant rumble, the rock came undone. "NOW!" Rave jumped up and put his feet firmly on the rock as it slid down the steep wall. Instinctively looking to grab hold of something, he gripped Jessica and held on tight to her hand.

It was only for couple of seconds that they descended, but as they neared the ground Jessica soon realized they would be knocked off by the impact. Squeezing Rave's hand, she pulled him over to her side and jumped off, dragging him with her to the cold, hard, ground.

Rave screamed and held the teleporter to his chest. Jessica let go of him and they both tumbled to the ground, somewhat unharmed. The rumbling eased a little.

Jessica was somewhat stunned- Until Rave pulled her aside so she could sit up. "Jess! Jessica, please be okay. Please be okay." Jessica's vision was going blurry. Her head was spinning. Something was wrong.

Flashbacks of the car crash flooded Rave's mind. He couldn't let her die like this. He'd taken her for granted, just like he'd taken Noah for granted, and it was all his fault.

"You absolute LUNATIC." A deep, growling voice came from behind Rave. He whirled around to see none other than who was most definitely Gaster. Rave didn't have time to talk to him. He needed to get Jessica back to safety.

"And who are-" "Listen, she got hurt and we need to go!" Rave held out the teleporter for the skeleton to see, and as soon as he saw it, his expression lightened. Rave activated it and scooped Jessica up with one arm and letting Gaster hold onto the other.

In almost no time after that, the rubble collapsed with no one inside it to crush.

A/N: I have nothing to say for myself. Sorry this took so long :)

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