An Important Note

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Hey y'all, this is gonna be more serious than usual. Due to all the allegations that have arisen, I'm no longer comfortable writing about Brendon. I'm still unsure if I want to publish the next two chapters since they were requested by people so I'll let rainydaydal and clerifik decide since they were the ones who requested them. I completely understand if you don't want me to, no hard feelings. However, this book will be taking a hiatus, permanently or not, I don't know yet. Even if it's a fictional story, I don't want to be writing about and seemingly supporting an extremely shitty and disgusting person.

It breaks my heart to have to end this as I had so much fun writing and interacting with you all but I hope you understand my decision. Thank you so much for supporting this series, I'm so grateful for you all. Please consider supporting my other work(s) and since I still want to remain in contact with you guys, my DMs are open on here, my Twitter (XMelodiesx) and my tumblr (xdeathmelodiesx) so feel free to say hi.

I love you all, stay safe and take care of yourselves 🖤

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