Domestic Times

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  Ryan was absorbed in the feeling of Dallon's soft, rose petal lips which were curved into a small smile. Their lips moved together in a fluid way, each movement sending quiet fireworks through their bodies. Dallon tasted faintly like coffee and cherry chapstick, those flavors being left on Ryan's lips and mixing with their taste of pineapple.

  They were so caught up in each other that they forgot about Brendon who took the opportunity to cause trouble, as always. He crept around to the front of the couch and sat on the floor, legs crossed with his elbows resting on his knees. His chin rested in his palms as he stared.

  Brendon had an innocent smirk on his face as he pulled out the fire-engine red air horn he'd bought a couple days ago as a joke. The loud, obnoxious noise filled the room and both of his partners jumped apart, leaping into the air. Ryan fell off the edge of the couch, their arms flailing the entire way down. Dallon just sat there, his arms still raised, his bright eyes wide and his jaw open in surprise.

  "Just wanted to say, I ate all your pineapple," Brendon cackled.

  An outraged groan came from the floor. "Brendon, why?!"

  "Cause you love me too much to actually be mad at me." He had a point. "And I'm simply returning the love."

  Dallon finally unfroze and glared at the younger man who was still laughing at them. "You're making dinner tonight as payback."


  Cyndi Lauper blared through the small speaker they kept on the kitchen counter. Ryan looked up from their little sketchbook to glance at Dallon and snickered at Brendon's choice of music. At least it was better than 'You Spin Me Round' on loop like last time.

  Ryan set down their pencil and book, phone in hand and headed towards the kitchen to find Brendon dancing along to the music, holding a bag of pasta with water boiling on the stove. Ryan took the opportunity to snap a picture of Brendon holding food high above his head and sent the photo to Dallon.

  The little 'ping!' from his phone alerted him, drawing his attention away from his laptop. Dallon chuckled at his boyfriend and datemate once he saw the picture. He joined them in the kitchen, wrapping his arm around Ryan's small waist, Brendon still completely oblivious to the two standing in the doorway. Dallon cleared his throat and watched as Brendon stopped and turned a shade of dark pink.

  "How long have you been standing there," Brendon asked slightly embarrassed.

  "Couple minutes. Whatcha making?" Ryan piped up.

  "This creamy tomato and spinach pasta recipe I found. Thought we'd try it."

  "Sounds delicious," Dallon said. "Need help?"

  "Yeah, can one of you dice the onions and mince the garlic? And I need you to grab basil, oregano, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes, thanks," Brendon replied.

  Ryan claimed gathering the spices and herbs while Dallon chopped up the onions and garlic. He glanced at the instructions Brendon had pulled up and added them into a pan with olive oil. After a few minutes, he added a can of diced tomatoes and the spices, watching Brendon lower the noodles into the water from out of the corner of his eye.

  A smidge of tomato paste and water was added to make it a bit more saucy. Ryan took over stirring while Brendon looked for cream cheese in the fridge. A few dollops were added by Dallon and whisked into the heavenly smelling sauce. Brendon insisted on adding the spinach leaves himself, being overly dramatic but it was cute.

  "I'll get the pasta, you mix in the spinach?" Dallon asked.

  Ryan nodded and wordlessly resumed their task. The vibrant green leaves slowly wilted in the heat, shriveling up to look like green lines instead of their normal shape. They took it off the heat and Dallon added the noodles to the bunch, completing their meal.

  "God that smells divine," Brendon muttered.


  Dallon grabbed plates and handed one to each of his partners, letting Brendon take first helping. Their forks clinked and rubbed against the porcelain creating a shrill, unpleasant sound but it still didn't ruin the mood. Brendon took the seat facing the window while Ryan and Dallon sat across from him, all three of them forming a small triangle with their positions.

  No words were said as they shoved their faces full. The food tasted as heavenly as it smelled, the creaminess feeling like it was rolling off their tongues, mixing pleasantly with the sweet flavor of the tomatoes. The herbs and spices fought back valiantly though, the battle evening everything out and making the food even more delicious.

  In no time at all, the dishes were cleared and in the sink, Ryan taking their turn to wash dishes. Brendon looked at Dallon with his puppy eyes and asked him "Brownies?"

  How could he say no?
  Slightly short but hopefully satisfactory. Fun fact (I guess??), most chapters for this book are usually written between 12-4 am and unedited until the next morning so pardon the spelling and grammar mistakes, lol. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it and lemme know what you think!

  Recipe for the meal made in this:

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