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*trigger warning, as you can tell by the title, this chapter contains homophobia. There is a bit of discriminatory language and actions in this chapter and I don't want any of you to get triggered. Ryan also has a small flashback due to past trauma so if that triggers you as well, don't read this. I care for and love you all so please proceed with caution and stay safe 🖤*

Ryan and Brendon hurried down the pavement, rushing to escape the darkness that was slowly settling down on them. Ryan's small heels clicked against the concrete, hair ruffled as breeze pushed past the two of them. Brendon shivered and clutched his coat closer to his body, trying to keep warm and shield himself from the chill of early December.

Brendon reaches over and grasped their soft hand, tangling their fingers together. Street lamps accentuated their shadows, amber light washing over them. Out of the corner of their eye, Ryan saw a pair of people on the other side of the road, crossing the street ahead of them. Ryan tensed, fearing the worst but it never came. Their car lit up and made noise, the two strangers making a beeline for it.

Eventually, the strangers drove off and silence surrounded them once more. Brendon, still shivering, leaned against the taller of the two, laying his head on their shoulder. Their shoulders relaxed at the simple touch and caressing Brendon's hand with their thumb.

  Their shadows moved with them, a slight bounce to their step. Apparently, this got the attention of someone just behind them.

  "Hey faggots!" A deep voice yelled at them, Ryan tensing up again.

  Brendon noticed and whispered to them, "Ignore him, home is just 10 minutes away."

  "I'm talking to you two freaks!" Ryan was shoved forward harshly and they stumbled forward.

Turning around, they locked eyes with the person behind them. He moved towards them, fear and panic creeping up their spine and their blood ran cold. They saw his arm raise to strike them and flinched, trying to protect themselves from the blow. But it never came.

Cracking open an eye, they say Brendon who had pinned the assailant's arms above his head and was glaring daggers.

"Get the fuck away from them," Brendon hissed through gritted teeth.

The stranger just spat in his face and replied with, "Or what, faggots like you shouldn't be walking out here and spreading your filth everywhere."

That earned him a punch to the face courtesy of Brendon. "Ever touch them or even try to, you'll get something worse than a punch."

  He shoved the person to the ground and faced Ryan who was ghostly pale, sobbing and shaking. He gently and swiftly gathered them in his arms, ushering them towards their house where Dallon was waiting for them. Unlocking the door and guiding Ryan in, Brendon locked the door behind them, hands still shaking and heart beating erratically.

  "Him?" He quietly asked Ryan, who nodded shakily.

  Dallon walked over and took in both their appearances, taking them both over to the couch. He sat Ryan down slowly, turning to Brendon to ask what had happened.

"This asshole came up to us, called us fags, shoved and tried to hit Ryan which sent them into a flashback," he said worriedly, already grabbing a blanket for them.

Dallon gently took Ryan's hands in his and looked them in the eyes, seeing the pure fear and the light mist that had settled over the hazel.

"Ryan, baby, it's just a flashback, you're here with me and Brendon in our home. He's nowhere near you and he can't hurt you."

"He's coming up the stairs, I can hear him. I don't want him to hurt me. Help," Ryan mumbled. At that moment, Dallon saw 16 year old Ryan again, stuck in a constant state of fear caused by their dad. Almost 11 years later, they still had these flashbacks, reminding both Brendon and Dallon of the times where Ryan would run to either of their houses in desperate need of safety.

"He's not. I want you to breath with me, in for four and out for four."

  They tried, breathing still stuttering but getting steadier. After a minute of this, they were starting to calm down but their eyes were still slightly glassy and they were still shaking. Dallon rubbed a thumb over their hands and asked them to do something else, "Love, can you take a look around you and tell me what you see?"

"Um, you and Bren. 'M on the couch and we're in a living room. Coffee table is behind you and there's a table out in the other room. Uh... and the walls are purple..."

  Brendon returned, walking slowly as to not alarm Ryan and sat beside them, murmuring soft words to them. They started relaxing, tears reduced to a few sniffles. Ryan slumped over, clearly exhausted and slightly disoriented.

Brendon leaned them back while Dallon covered them in a soft blanket, their pale, twitching hands grasping the hem and playing with it, their eyes slipping shut.

The older of the three sighed in relief, still watching Ryan like a hawk. "Did you beat the shit out of the dickhead?"

"No, just punched him and threw him into the grass before I got the two of us home."

"I'd berate you for punching him but I'll let you off the hook this time. I'm just glad you got them home before the situation got worse."
I know, I'm an asshole for doing that and I'm unsure if this chapter is needed but I hope you enjoyed it (and stayed safe!) and lemme know what you think! 🖤

Life's a DragOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz