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"Holy shit," Brendon muttered to himself. "It's now 2020. What the fuck..."

"Hun, are you gonna have another existential crisis over the fact that it's a new decade?" Ryan barely glanced at their partner from their place on the couch where they were strumming a few notes on the guitar.

"Of course! It's fucking 2020 now! I'm getting older, you're getting older, Dallon's getting older! The world's gonna explode!"

"It's really not," Dallon wheezed from the kitchen.

Brendon huffed and plopped down next to Ryan, pouting when they snickered at him. "Alright, come on two year old realness."

"I hate you."

"You looove meee."

Dallon sighed, loudly and over exaggeratedly, "I'm dating a pair of two year olds. Great."

"Ryro is the only one here with a daddy kink though-" Brendon was interrupted by a pillow to the face.

"Shut up!" Their cheeks were a burning red, embarrassment radiating from them. "Stop kink shaming me, you- you piss kink!"

Dallon muffled a snicker and "If you two would stop arguing, you'd realize it's our anniversary tomorrow and I'd rather take my partners out for a date rather than babysit a pair of toddlers."

"Fine but only cause we love you."


Their typical date, seeing as it was now January and freezing cold, was to go to the little diner around the corner. It was small, cozy and had an amazing menu. Everything was so warm and welcoming and on top of that, the owners were super sweet trans woman named Isabelle and her wife Jessie meaning there was no judgement. The two were also suckers for old rock, classic punk rock especially, so The Runaway's Cherry Bomb was playing over the radio.

Jessie came by their table, robin's egg blue, wavy pixie cut bouncing with every step, her hazel eyes sparkling in the light. "Hi and welcome, anything I can get you? Drinks, food?" Her voice had a bit of a Midwestern accent to it, mixing pleasantly with her cheery tone.

"Can we have a minute for food?" Dallon asked.

"Of course, would any of you like drinks?"

Ryan piped up in a quiet voice, "Could I get a Coke?"

"Me too," Brendon said almost immediately.

She wrote their orders down with a nod and turned to Dallon who simply asked for an iced water.

"I love your skirt by the way," she complimented Ryan who looked down at their galaxy print skirt and flushed a shade of pink, muttering out a thank you. Jessie just smiled and winked, turning back to the kitchen.

"What sounds good?" Brendon asked, eyes scanning the menu, searching for something.

"Well, do we want to share a big meal or... ?"

Ryan raised their head and chimed in, "Share, the homemade pizzas sound really good to me. What do you two think?"

"Can't say no to my one and only love, pizza," Brendon's eyes seemed to glaze over, his partners snickering at him.

"What are we, chopped meat?" Dallon poked his side, watching him squirm in his seat.

"Fine, my third love, after you two."

Jessie came back around a few minutes later, dropping off their beverages and asking again if they were ready to order. They all agreed on a vegetarian pizza and one of the specials, a pizza with numerous types of vegetables, ground chorizo and a runny egg on top. She went back to the kitchen, the trio getting a glimpse of Isabelle, who was working in the back, her dark bob swishing as she cooked.

Once Jessie was out of earshot, Ryan made a snarky comment, "Six years of being with you shitheads, wonder how that happened."

"Obviously you stayed with Dallon cause of his big dick and you stayed with me for my good looks and singing voice, I'm the whole package," the younger batted his eyelashes, shrieking quietly when Dallon playfully slapped his arm. "Asshole."

Instead of responding, Dallon simply leaned over and kissed him, effectively shutting him up. Ryan, seeing the opportunity, sneaked a drink from Brendon's glass, cracking up when Brendon broke the kiss to glare at them. They just shrugged when they caught sight of Dallon's annoyed stare.

After a couple more minutes of easy banter, their food arrived. Both Brendon and Dallon were drooling over the pizzas so Ryan slyly snapped a quick photo. Putting their phone down, they just gazed lovingly at their partners who were already cutting the food into slices. They were so in love with these idiots, it was almost sickening.

Dallon's hand went over Brendon's mouth as a loud groan attempted to escape his lips once he took a bite. "But it's so good," he complained.

"I know but you have to be quiet, it's a public restaurant, not the bedroom," Ryan rolled their eyes and grabbed a slice.

Brendon simply pouted and slumped in his chair, mouth still full of food. Dallon slid his free hand under the table and stroked the top of Ryan's, offering them a warm smile. They gladly returned it.

Eventually, the plate emptied and all three leaned back in their chairs, completely full. They tipped well, promising to return before leaving. The chill of January hit every inch of exposed skin, making Dallon shiver. Noticing the shiver, both Ryan and Brendon attached themselves to each of his sides, cuddling up to him as they all walked home.

  I'm so sorry this is so late! I've had so many technical issues lately (my phone which I use to update decided to glitch out and then die so -_-). But regardless, here's a sweet oneshot since it's now the new year. Speaking of, how's 2020 been treating y'all so far? It's been pretty shit for me but I'm currently ok and managing ^_^. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it and lemme know what you think! 🖤

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