Snowball Fights

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"Ryan, Dal, it's snowing! And heavily!" Brendon exclaimed, face glued to the window.

  "No shit Bren," Ryan responded from the kitchen, Dallon, who was sitting on the couch reading a novel, rolled his eyes.

  "You're no fun Ryro."

"Suck it Beebo."

"Already do dear."

Dallon shut the book in his hand and set it on the seat next to him. "Can you two not bicker for once? And Ryan, after you're done with dishes, grab your snow gear, we're going outside for once."

  Brendon cheered while Ryan groaned with faux annoyance. Brendon immediately raced around the house, gathering coats, gloves and hats. Dallon simply watched him with amusement in his bright blue eyes. The clatter of dishes came from the kitchen and Ryan finally emerged, wiping their hands on a small gray towel. They grinned fondly at Brendon who had his arms full of their winter clothing.

  Ryan dropped the towel and grabbed their coat, gloves, scarf and hat from him, setting them down and bringing Dallon his things.

  "Thank you," he whispered, kissing their cheek and standing up.

  He slipped on his black coat, the fur lining of the hood brushing against his neck. His boots came next, sliding up his long legs and then his gloves, black and white striped and waterproof. He wore a simple blue beanie over dark locks and looked at his partners. Ryan was dressed in a similar fashion, black boots, coat and hat with dark purple gloves. Brendon on the other hand, was a bit more colorful with a silver coat, blue gloves, black beanie and boots.

  The youngest bolted out of the door, flinging himself into the snow and face planting into it. Dallon snickered at him, scooped up some snow and dumped it on Brendon's head. He shrieked and jumped back up, grabbing some snow as well and throwing it at Dallon.

  "Oh, you're on bitch!"

  Dallon balled some up and threw it, watching it explode once it collided with Brendon's back. Brendon retaliated, aiming for and hitting Dallon square in the face. They picked up the pace, no longer stopping to pack it together properly and throwing at the other, barely any hitting the target.

  Ryan was doubled over with laughter at the sight, wheezing as Brendon missed and got hit with a snowball. Their laughter drew attention to themselves and a snowball made contact with their face. "Umph! Assholes!"

They grabbed snow and blindly threw it, smirking when they heard the grunt from Dallon. They took off immediately, running away as the other two pitched snowballs at them. Ryan threw another one, this time aimed at Brendon. While it missed their original target, his head, it hit his chest, making him hunch over and letting Dallon get a clear shot of Brendon's neck.

He shrieked again, wobbling and shivering.

"Nice shot babe!" Ryan called out, running up to Dallon and kissing him. Dallon dumped the snow that was in his hand onto Ryan's dark locks. They pulled away pouting, looking betrayed.

"Hey, I want kisses!" Brendon said, making grabby hands towards both of his partners.

Dallon leaned down and pecked his puckered lips, gently chuckling when Brendon wrapped his arms around the elder's neck. They pulled back after a moment, Brendon turning to Ryan and locking lips with them as well. When they broke the kiss, Brendon locked hands with both of them, dragging all of them back to the house.

He giggled and whispered to them, "I love you two."

"Love you too," Dallon mumbled, smiling.

They entered the house, stripped off their snow gear and headed straight for the stairs, Brendon and Dallon grabbing blankets while Ryan went to the kitchen to make hot cocoa. The kettle and just been put on the stove when the other two came down the stairs, heaps of blankets in their arms. Setting up, they turned on The Nightmare Before Christmas and snuggled under the pile of warm, cozy blankets. Ryan soon joined them, handing out cups of steaming, delicious cocoa. They bundled up in between Brendon and Dallon, resting their head on Brendon's shoulder.
  A fluffy one in honor of the snow here! It's fucking cold and it's gonna get colder where I live but hey, cookies and hot tea are gonna get me through. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it and lemme know what you think! 🖤

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