Emily Mae & Niall: To the club!

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For XxXEmilyMaeXxX! Hope you like it! :D


"Let's go to the club tonight!" Zayn yelled, whilst everyone else, except Liam thankfully, was huddled together by Lou and Harry's tele in their flat. It was a Saturday and even though I was happily cuddled into my boyfriend's side, I was completely and utterly bored. Lou jumps up from his spot on the floor. "I SECOND THAT! Do I hear a young Emily Mae third it?" Lou asked, looking at me with a wide smile.

"Hell yeah!" I yell, high fiving Lou from my spot on the couch. I hear a soft chuckle beside me and stare into pale blue eyes and lose my breath. 

Niall's sea blue eyes stare into my green ones, concealed by my black framed glasses. I saw his lips twitch up into a smile, showing off his clear baby braces that makes my heart ache. I can't help by smile in return and then do a baby pout, asking my boyfriend if he wants to go. "Why are you doing the puppy look? It's drinking babe, of course I'll go!" He said, putting his arms up happily. 

We all cheer and before anyone could say 'which club?', Harry speaks up. "No way" he said, his arms crossed over his chest. I groan, along with the other three. "Come on, Haz! Please! I'm of age now, why can't you act like I am a grown woman and not your little sister anymore?" I asked, annoyed at Harry. Harry huffed.

Harry and I have been close friends ever since we met at one of the boys' signings, and he just happened to have his dad that day. And I just happened to bring along my mom. Now, they're married which makes me and Harry step-siblings. Cool, right? Yeah, it is cause Harry is pretty awesome as a brother, but he is very protective. Almost as much as Niall is.

"Em, you're barely 18. You just turned it two months ago!" Harry argued. I hear the others huff and go into another room. They all know how Harry and I get when we argue, not very pretty. "Harry, I'm going. It's legal now, it's not like how we used to sneak in before". 

Harry opens his mouth to speak but a sudden knocking at the door made him close his mouth. He looks at the door then back at me. "This is not over" he says, before walking over to the front door. I roll my eyes and flip him off when his back is turned towards me. 

I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Louis handing me a bright orange pair of TOMS. I quirk my eyebrow up at him, making him roll his eyes. "They're El's, she left them here a while back. Wear them for the club so you can dance and not fall on your ass this time" he said, smirking.

 I smile and stick out my tongue at my friend, putting on the TOMS that matched my loose over the shoulder orange top that said 'Miami Bitch'. It matches well with my black skinny jeans and even though I'm not wearing some dress with pumps, I look fine to go to a club.

Harry comes back into my view and I see another guy with him. I groan. "Why is he here?" I ask my brother, annoyed. Liam huffs. "Nice to see you too, princess". I just roll my eyes as I felt a familar pair of arms grab me from behind. "And she's my princess, don't forget that Liam" Niall said to his best mate.

I smirk at Niall being protective over me and can't help the rush I got from his demandingness. Lou and Zayn come out of the hallway, with nice shirts and chinos. "Cool, Li's here! So now, to the club!" Louis yelled, running out the flat door. Harry kept protesting but Niall and Zayn pulled him out, leaving me and Liam in the back. Together. Yay...

"So how are you, squirt?" Liam asked me. "Why does it matter to you? You hate my guts almost as much as I hate yours" I spat at him, walking towards the elevator. He sighs. "I don't hate you.. I could never hate you, Emily" he said, ever so softly that I turned towards him.

His eyes instantly connected with mine and I felt myself frown. Liam Payne, the major heart throb of One Direction and the biggest asshole I've ever met, actually looks depressed and sad. And I have an aching feeling it has to do with me. Yes, I will like some guilt on the side with that burger? Thanks.

"Emily, would you ever date me?" Liam asked randomly. I turned towards him and quickly shake my head. "No offense, pretty boy, but no. You were too much of a jerk to me, plus I've always like Niall. Even before I met you guys, I've wanted him and only him. So no, I wouldn't. Why?" I asked him.

Liam just shrugs. "Just curious is all. The whole break up and make up with Danielle is confusing me a bit" he said, nervously laughing. I smile towards him and jump out the elevator to my boyfriend who was waiting there for me, arms open wide. I jump into them as he twirls around in circles, making me giggle.

I hear gags and see the boys all fake gagging. "Cliche jackass" I hear Zayn mutter. I laugh and stick my tongue at him as we enter the car, going to the club.


My hips swayed side to side as Niall's hands were gripping me tight, dancing along to some house music. We've been to the club for a few hours and I haven't had so much fun in a while. After the song ends, Niall tells me he's going to get us some beers. I nod and watch him leave me alone in the packed dance floor.

Another song begins, it's fast tempo making me instantly begin to sway by myself. I feel hands touch my back, making me spin around. I see Liam with a smirk, eyeing me up and down. Um, what?

"Care for a dance?" he yells over the music. Niall's not here, and Liam doesn't hate me, so why not? Sure, he's still an ass, but I don't hate people who don't hate me. Especially not my boyfriend's best mate. I nod and his hands grip my hips, his fingers digging into my side.

As we swayed, I missed Niall's touch. His soft yet firm hands gripping me, not Liam's. His were rough and way too warm while Niall's were cold, which I loved since my hands were always warm. It was perfect, two oppisites uniting.

Liam begins to bend down, his face leaning over mine. I look up shocked,w ondering what the hell he's doing. I see him close his eyes which made my eyes widen even more. Holy shit, he's gonna kiss me! No way, I love Niall! He knows I do, so why is he trying to kiss me?

"Oi, mate. I wouldn't do that if I were you" I hear an Irish accent say behind me. Liam looks up and quicly lets go of my waist. I turn and see Niall with two beers in one hand. I smile and run over to him, hugging him tight.

"I promise, I wasn't going to kiss him" I whispered. "I know, Em. It's fine, my sweet pear" he whispered back, making my body shiver throughout.

Nothing bad happened between Liam and Niall, Liam apologized and left right after. The rest of the night was really fun though. Harry and Zayn had a drinking contest and Harry won by a landslide, he had 17 shots of vodka. Louis was dancing on the floor by himself until Niall and I joined him, doing the shuffle and the running man.

And that kiss Niall and I had in the bathroom of the club. Once again, Cliche, I know, but I loved it. His lips connecting with mine, parting them open as his sweet tongue enters my mouth. The way it twirled with mine, not forcefully but ever so gently made my heart flutter and race. His soft hair, twirling in my fingers as I tried to pull his lips harder on mine, wanting no space between us.

Plus when we got back to his flat, we took off our clothes except my bra and undies, and his briefs and snuggled together. We talked quietly for a little bit, but I fluttered my eyes shut and sleep overtook me as I dreamt of a certain blond haired Irishman and how lucky I was that I brought my mom with me to the signing that one day. Cause if I hadn't, I wouldn't be cuddling with the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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