Becca-bear & Niallykins: YouTube Obsessions

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To the girl who I know I can always talk to, and even though she can't physically be there for me (yet c;), she always answers when I do. So, for my best friend, Becca, here's a one shot for always being there for me! I love you, my British Gringa! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo (always need at least one hug, dude. At least one).

Oh, and I nearly forgot, HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY!!!!

Btw, we're nineteen here, which means the year is 2016. Just to get that clear!


Becca's POV

"I cannot believe the traffic, bro. I really need to pee!" Sammie said, squirming in the passenger seat of my Mini-Cooper. I quickly look to my left and see her with a small frown so child-like, I couldn't help but playfully coo at her.

"Aren't you modest?" I said, smirking at the dyed blondie, who looked out our open windows. Sammie pokes her tongue out at me, then turns up the music and we hear a song that is fairly familiar to us.

"You're insecure, don't know what for."

"They're still playing this song? Damn, you'd think after 6 years, they would get tired of it or something," Sammie said, laughing a bit. She starts humming along as Harry begins to sing, and I smirked at my best friend.

"Doesn't stop you from singing it," I said, laughing as she keeps squirming around. She shrugs, and looks at me with a knowing look that I give back to her.

"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else! The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, you don't know, oh, oh! You don't you're beautiful! If only you saw what I can see, you'll understand why I want you so desperately! Right now, I'm looking at you and I can't believe, you don't know, oh, oh! You don't know you're beautiful! Oh, oh! That's what makes you beautiful!" Sammie and I sing, so badly that some others actually clapped for our terribleness.

As we open up our mouths to sing Zayn's part, we hear someone singing along, in the car to my right. I see Sammie's mouth drop open, as if she's in shock and I turn to look, and I see Zayn, himself singing his part.

My mind can't even comprehend this, I mean. Zayn Malik, is right there, in front of me with barely eight feet between us, in his own Range Rover. Before I know it, the song ends and both Sammie and my mouths' are open wide.

"Wait a minute, no way! You're Becca-bear and Sammie-bell, aren't you?" Zayn asks, his perfect smile taking form on his face. If my mouth could drop any lower, it would've.


"Shit!" Sammie finished for me, her mouth now in a full smile. "Zayn Malik actually watches our videos!"

Sammie and I started doing YouTube videos when we moved to Brighton last year, when we were both eighteen. Since neither of us knew many people, we kept to ourselves for the first few months, so we did parodies and started vlogging*.

We hit over six million views on our video, "Farts and Giggles", where we farted in people's faces. Ever since then, we've gained loads of subscribers and we're close to a million now!

"Hey, do you two want a bite to eat? It'll be cool to chat with you," Zayn said, after turning back to his right. I wonder who's driving him..

I nod, still unable to talk, and I can see Sammie nodding, furiously with a wide smile. Zayn laughs, and turns back to the person driving him, before he looks back at us with a smile on his face. Damn, he's fit.

"Alright, just follow us," he says, before his car goes forward, the traffic now having died down. As quickly as I could, I followed Zayn down the road to some pub. When we stopped in front of it, parking my car, I heard Sammie giggle.

"We're actually gonna have drinks with Zayn Malik in a pub. Now, if only Louis was here and proposes to me, all my dreams would come true," Sammie said, making me laugh at her imagination.

"We should talk about this for our next video, and then maybe Jack and Finn would get jealous," I said, making Sammie blush and laugh over me talking about her boyfriend.

Right when we were becoming more well known in the YouTube society, Sammie got some DM's on Twitter from two of Great Britain's famous young YouTuber's: JacksGap and his brother, Finn. She responded back to both, as did I since I got some messages from them as well, but the DM's on Twitter soon turned into text messages, then into calling each other every night for Sammie and Finn. Now, almost a year later, they're known to our fans as Finnie, and known to Jack and I as "the couple who needs to understand that PDA isn't nice for everyone".

"Jack's going to murder us for stealing his man," Sammie said, as we walked into the pub, looking around for Zayn. I laugh, remembering how Jack jokes around saying he's in love with Zayn, and that Jayn is all too real.

"And who will you be stealing exactly?" a reconizeable Irish accent asks, as we walk to a half booth, half table in the corner. And when I looked up I let all my inner fangirl out, which I showed by letting my jaw drop and squeal. Yes, I squealed when I saw Niall Horan smiling in front of me.

Niall put his hand over my mouth, and I swear, I was about to hyperventilate. Niall freaking Horan is touching my lips, and wow his hands are really warm. Would it be weird if I lick them? Mmm, probably. Better not creep out my future husband.

Sammie just does this weird giggling noise that sounds more like she's dying and I can't help but laugh at it, she sounds so dumb when she does that. Niall just looks us over with a smile on his face, and shakes his head.

"I can't believe THE Becca-bear and Sammie-bell are sitting with us," Niall says, sitting down in the booth, with Sammie sitting next to Zayn and me next to Niall. My leg is touching Niall Horan, do not freak out, Becca. I repeat do not freak out.

"I can't believe THE Niall Horan seems to be internally fangirling over us weirdos sitting down with you," Sammie said, snickering at herself. I'm not a weirdo, she's a weirdo. "And I also can't believe that he's plainly checking out my best friend right infront of my eyes. Ugh, if this is how Finn and I are, I'm sorry to the world," Sammie continues, making a grossed out face.

Wait... Did she just say?

I look over to Niall, and his cheeks are so red, I think he's going to- Wait, his cheeks are red? Is he blushing?

"Of course, he's had a crush on Becca-bear since your first video," Zayn said, but I kept looking at Niall who looked anywhere but at me. I felt Niall's feet move underneath us and he kicks Zayn, making Sammie snort and laugh at Zayn.

Niall has a crush on me.

Niall has a crush on me,

Niall has a crush on me.

Niall has a crush-

"Boo, come out of your funk and come back to us humans down here on E-Arth," Sammie says, knocking me back out of my daydream of somehow meeting Niall Horan. I look around and see we're still stuck in traffic. Great, so that was all just a daydream. That ruined my mood.

"Hey, Ditz, wanna go to a pub nearby?" I asked, suddenly hungry. She shrugged, her way of answering 'sure'. So, twenty minutes later, we pulled up infront of the pub I saw in my daydream, and went inside to the bar. Sammie and I both ordered some drinks, and I told her my daydream.

"Ooo, freaky! I could've swore I just saw Niall, like, when we walked in here," she said, looking behind her. And as I look, too, I feel my breath be taken away. Because there was Niall Horan, and he was looking at us with a bright smile on his face. And he was walking over to where we were sitting.

"No way! You guys are Becca-bear and Sammie-bell! Massive fan of you both. Um, do you two care to eat with me?" he said, eyeing me up and down, very obviously checking me out.

Well, maybe daydreams do come true.

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