47. Call me Icarus

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I just kept repeating the word over and over again as I spoke to Jen on the phone, trying to desperately get her to hang up so I could get on with what I had to do. Zayn was sitting across from me in my living room in London and I was already dreading the conversation we were about to have.

"Ok talk to you later," I spoke quickly and hung up, letting out a long, dramatic sigh before flopping onto the couch.

I groaned.

"So what's happening?" he asked.

I groaned again.

"I'm going on the date with Kendall."

Zayn scoffed and proceeded to get up, making his way into my kitchen and poured him and I two very stiff drinks of straight vodka.

Our album was due out in a few days and it was back to back promotion all month. We had 1D day coming up and the perfect idea they drummed up was for me to be seen with someone to get some headlines - enter Kendall Jenner.

Zayn walked over to me and nudged my shoulder. I sat up and accepted the drink from his outstretched hands, both of us taking long sips. The liquor burned my throat and formed a ball in the pit of my stomach, settling my anxiety.

"So where are you going to take her then?" Zayn asked, taking a seat beside me. I knew he was pissed but it wasn't my fault.

I shrugged.

"Probably dinner somewhere in LA with some small talk. They'll get their photos and we'll be on our way."

This was my least favorite part of my job but sometimes you just had to do what needed to be done and Zayn and I were learning this the hard way.

"And that's it, right? You're not gonna fuck her."

"What the fuck? No, I'm not."

Zayn pulled out his phone and looked Kendall up on instagram. He began scrolling through her pics, showing me one of her recent selfies.

"She's pretty hot though."

I rolled my eyes and snatched the phone from his hands. She was pretty hot but that was pretty much it. Nothing else about her seemed that interesting. Plus, this was just a stunt. It was meaningless and her and I both knew that. And Zayn had to know that too, even though his jealousy was showing; for once it wasn't mine.

"She kinda looks like you if you were a girl, no?" I responded, laughing to myself.

"What?" Zayn questioned, snatching the phone back and staring close to the screen.

"I don't see it. She wishes."

I smiled and took another sip from my drink before placing it down on the side table and threw my arm around Zayn's shoulder. We'd been doing really well the last few weeks, despite the nuisance of Zayn, Perrie and their "engagement," we were still going strong.

Zayn laid his head on my shoulder, his soft dark hair brushing up against my cheek as I nuzzled him back. It was moments like this that fell short, that were so rare and random and every time we found ourselves alone together we had to cherish every second, every minute, because we knew that it wouldn't last. It's like we were always standing on the edge of no tomorrow.

Zayn turned his head upwards and planted a gentle, soft kiss on my cheek, which made me blush and break out into a smile because he still always had the ability to make me do that. He reached his finger tip towards my dimple and poked it, making me chuckle.

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