Vol.3 part, 8: Heroes and Monsters.

Start from the beginning

Neptune: "Uhh, this isn't working!"

As Weiss watches, she growls angrily before running at the Paladin and summoning white glyphs underneath her feet gaining speed, flanking around the courtyard reaching the two, Weiss slides to a stop in front of an exhausted Jack as the Paladin swings it's fist at the three, she closes her eyes and raises Myrtenaster attempting to block it's attack but instead was stopped by the Arma Gigas' sword from a glyph above Weiss shoulder.

Jack: "Would you look at that."

Opening her eyes, Weiss looks and watches in awe as the part of the summoned armor directs the Paladin's fist into the ground, before bringing the sword down splitting the mech in two.

Weiss looks at the partially summoned piece of armor as a flash goes off she looks to Velvet smiling while holding her camera. The ground starts rumbling again as a heavily armored Atlesian Paladin slides around the corner and locks it's sights on the group, it's eyes flashing red at the new set of targets.

Sun: "You have got to be kidding me."

Atlas ship, over the skies of Vale.
9:00 PM.

Ruby continuously slashes at Neo with Crescent Rose, easily dodging and rolling out of Ruby's attacks while (Y/n) shoots Blue Rose at Roman, who responds by firing his cane at (Y/n) as the fireball destroys his bullets it causes him to roll out of the way.

Rolling to his feet, he looks around for Roman only to see Ruby firing Crescent Rose at Neo which shatters her illusion revealing Roman, who blasts Ruby away with his cane.

(Y/n): "Ruby!"

Diving across the platform, (Y/n) reaches out for Ruby as she grabs his hand she slips out of (Y/n)'s grasp, sliding down the platform Ruby quickly stabs Crescent Rose into the side of the ship's hull slowing herself as (Y/n) pulls himself closer too Ruby, Neo steps on his hand keeping him in place.

Roman: "Little red, little red... You are so determined to be the hero of Vale, aren't you?"

Ruby: "What are you doing? Without these ships the Grimm will destroy everything!"

Roman: "That's the plan!"

Pointing his cane at Ruby's face, (Y/n) grabs and throws Neo off his arm, firing Blue Rose at Roman's cane it staggered him as Ruby kicks him away.

Neo runs towards Ruby, kicking her in the stomach and knocking her toward the edge of the platform, (Y/n) teleports closer and throws Ruby out of the way before a Griffon blindsided (Y/n), knocking him over to the other edge of the platform.

(Y/n): "Ahhh.... shit."

(Y/n) says to himself while hanging off with one arm, he stares down at the huge drop below, still holding onto the ledge (Y/n) tries to swing and pull himself up.

Ruby: "(Y/n)!"

As she goes to help him, Ruby was stopped by (Y/n) slowly crawling back onto the platform.

(Y/n): "I'm fine, just handle those two!"

She nods, turning back to Roman and Neo.

Ruby: "But why? What do you get out of it?!"

Roman: "You're asking the wrong questions, red. It's not what I have to gain. It's that I can't afford to lose!"

Ruby runs at Roman going to attack as Neo hops over his shoulder kicking Ruby's scythe back, swinging Crescent Rose at Neo again she parries the young huntress's attack with another kick, Neo hooks the loop of her umbrella onto Ruby's scythe surprising her while Neo slides under her weapon, disarming Ruby by flipping her into the air.

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