Power Outage. [Fem! Japan x Vatican City]

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Ohhh first all Female Oneshot! And it's a Rare-Pair. YaY!
Japan || Female
Vatican City || Female



That was all Vatican City could see, until she realized her cross necklace could glow in the dark. She brought her hands up to her neck. And pushed a button that lit up the fair-sized cross. It wasn't much, but at least it would help her feel a bit better. She was with Japan at the CountryHuman's library because the Japanese country had asked the female to accompany her and help look for a certain bible.

The Manga Bible.

At first the short god-loving country thought it was a prank or something because Japan had been hanging out with America a lot, but then she remembered that the book was an actual thing, and the Niko country was actually curious about it. However, as soon as they got into the small Library, Japan had taken off without a trace and left her accomplice to find her. "J-Japan..?" Vatican called, slowly walking through the library.

She went up and down the aisles, but found nothing of the Niko. Vatican did have a phone, but she didn't think there would be a blackout, so she simply didn't bring it. Maybe it would have been a good idea to check the forecast before letting a simpleton country practically drag you down the street. It was really dark outside, and appeared to be raining as well.

"Iaponia?" (Japan?)

Vatican could barely see in front of her, and had to take the cross necklace off so she could see a bit. The God-loving country didn't realize it, but she was in the Manga section of the library: exactly where Japan had run off to. Vatican stopped dead in her tracks when she heard sniffling, and turned her head down a dark hallway. There were books on the shelves, and surprisingly on the floor as well. The short country kept walking down the aisle, until she could make out a very faint figure hunched in a ball on the ground.

Vatican's golden eyes widened as she realized it was Japan. The Niko appeared to be crying, and had her knees up tight against her body. Vatican slowly walked over to her, and sat down beside Japan, giving her the glowing cross. "バチカン?" (Vatican?) Japan asked, her cracked voice barely over a whisper. Her pink eyes were red from crying, her cheeks were stained with salty tears, her ears seemed to be stuck down, and she was shaking.

It was obvious that the Niko had a fear of the dark.

Suddenly, Japan wrapped her arms around Vatican, and buried her head in the others neck. The short country blushed a light shade of pink, clearly not used to the contact. It was certainly weird. Vatican disliked almost every Countryhuman simply because they were all bonkers in the head (especially America). And here was Japan, a country who loved Manga, Shipping, and doing crazy things, who also happened to be scared of the dark and was holding onto her only way of comfort.

But then strangely, as if in a cliché anime itself, Vatican smiled to herself, and wrapped her arms around Japan as well. The short country then murmured a small prayer, asking for the two of them to stay safe. Japan couldn't understand Latin that well, and she was too busy trying not to get her tears all over her companion, so she had no clue was was being said. It wasn't like it really mattered all that much either, Japan had her own way of praying, but wouldn't do it unless she was inside of her own house.

Then thunder boomed, and Japan jumped. She squeezed Vatican's body, wanting nothing more then for this to be over. The reason Japan was afraid of the dark wasn't her own fault, but actually Japanese Empire's doing. The retired country tried to use different tactics to make her child a tougher person. Things like hypnosis, yelling, sitting alone and in the dark for hours on end with nothing but one's own thoughts. It was never physical, as that wasn't JE's style. It was mental, and backfired because Japan could never be alone in the dark after that.

Japan almost always had some form of light on her, but her own phone had died when she started playing starters (theme songs) to shows she liked. Fly High! had only gotten about half way through when the phone died, but the Niko had brought the volume down to one and stuffed it into her pocket when she had found an interesting book. "J-Japan. It's.... It's going to be o-okay," Vatican attempted food soothe the Japanese country.

"家," (home) Japan stuttered, sniffling right after. Vatican only knew basic words in Japanese, but she knew enough that the Niko country in her hold wanted to leave. It was kind of sad, how about fifteen minutes ago Japan was happily looking through Manga, and now was cowering about the dark. No, the god-loving female didn't ask to come to the library, no, they still haven't found the book they were looking for, and no, Vatican would probably never bring this up again, but the two were along, in the dark, in a library, with a storm outside.

She put her hand to Japan's head, and gently massaged her tucked down ears. They were super soft, as if they weren't real. Japan started to calm down more, and the seemingly endless waterfall of tears had stopped. Now it was just light sniffing here and there, but that's expected. "ありがとう," (Thanks) Japan whispered, purring with the calm rubbing. Petting her ears always calmed her down. Vatican didn't know that, but she was happy it worked. The two were still in the dark, and the cross was still glowing in Japan's hands. The two female countries finally seemed at ease.

And then the lights came back on.

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