Tea Time. [Austraila + Britain Quality Time]

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Happy New Years🥳
I'm super excited for 2020!

Australia || Male
Britain || Male

[Re-written like a year and a half after it was published. Yes, 2020 was a terrible year, my brain was stupid back then XD]

Great Britain was in his house. More precisely, he was in the living room, sitting in his armchair. He was reading the weekly newspaper with a cup of his favourite tea placed on an end table. He was reading quietly until he heard a bang coming from the floor above him.

Then another bang.

Then multiple.

He was about to get up to go see what happened, but he heard a rather weak "I'm good," so he forced himself to relax and opened the paper once more.

There was only one other country in the house at the time, and that was sweet little Australia. The one who liked to bring spiders into the house and keep them as pets. The one who brought them in, despite knowing of Britain and America's arachnophobia. Yeah, that country. The young one walked into the living room, swaying a bit and rubbing his head. Britain didn't even look up from his newspaper as he asked his son a question. "What was that noise, Aussie?" He asked his youngest son. "Oh, I just fell down teh' stairs 'ead first is all, no need tah worrrrie," He said, cheerfully while looking at his father.

Britain put the newspaper down.

"You fell down the stairs... Headfirst....." he stared at his son for a while. Australia just nodded his head, like nothing was wrong with that. What a country. "On an accident? Or on purpose?" He finished, looking at his son in the eyes. "Oh, complt'ly on purrrrpose," The young country said, still seeing nothing wrong with the fact. "Might I ask why?" Britain confuzzled once more, leaning forward In the armchair. "'cause Pa, I'm bored... I didn't want tah' go shoppin', but I didn't know it would be this bloody borrring if I stayed," Australia whined. He was like a toddler.

"Just don't fall down the stairs on your head again, I would not like to take you to the E.R," Great Britain finished, leaning back into the armchair and opening his newspaper to where he left off. Australia blinked, then laid down onto the couch (opposite placing of the armchair) and stared at the ceiling. He was bored.



B o r e d .

Really bored.

So he sat back up and looked at his father. "Oi, Fatha," He asked, now thinking of a question. What a completely normal thing to do. Britain had set down his cup of tea after taking a sip and put his hand back to the newspaper to support it. "Yes?" He asked, still reading. "I started teh wondaaa just a secon' ago. why do yah like tea so much?" The young country asked. "Tea has a flavour like no other, and it is appropriate for my taste buds," He said simply.

"Ight. Thanks, dad,"

Australia laid back down. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Ten seconds passed. Twenty seconds passed. At the thirty-second mark, his eyes shot back open, and he completely gave up on the idea of sleeping. The country groaned. He was bored again. So he sat back up and looked back at his father, Britain. "Hey, Dad?" He asked again.

"Yes, Aussie?"

"I know yeeeh like teaaa, but it's really hot in da summmeaa, so what da' yeehh drink?" He asked, when Australia thought about it, he had never seen Britain drink in the summer, but he would have had to. nothing can survive without liquids. "The exact same thing I always drink, tea," He said, lowkey debating if he should ask his son why he was asking all these questions relating to his tea. And if on the way down the stairs Australia hit his head too hard. But he decided against it. Unfortunate.

"Okiii dokiii," The young country said to his father. He wasn't sure what he was going to do with this new information, but he was bored. Still, very bored. He glanced at the clock. Nada, Ame, kiwi, and mama should be home soon, he thought to himself. He looked back at his father and yet another question came to mind. "Hey. Fathaaaa," He said, getting Great Britain's attention once more.

Britain was starting to get weirded out by all the questions about tea his son was asking but answered Australia nonetheless. "Yes?" He asked, putting down the newspaper so he could look back at his son. "So, yeh drink tea all teeeh time, ight?" The younger country asked. "That is indeed correct," Britain replied, wondering where his son was going with this. Australia hadn't said anything as he stood up and walked over to his father.

He grabbed the teacup sitting on the end table, then ran to the kitchen.

"Australia, where do you think you're going with my tea?" He asked, now alarmed. A moment later Australia walked back from the kitchen into the living room. "I dumped ya' tea. Now I can ask my-" he didn't get to finish his question because he felt someone staring at him. It was Britain. "Oi, dad?" He asked, starting to get worried. Britain was looking at him so intensely, his eyes were starting to turn into a red shade. The room seemed to be tenser now, and Australia would be lying if he said he wasn't scared.

"S-so if I go taa Englan', and I don't like tea, w-what do I drink?" Australia finally spat out, nervous. He had every right to be. Britain was a World Superpower for goodness cheese! Great Britain stood up, and so did his son. "If you're in England, you. drink. T E A," He said, really upset that his son dumped his tea out. "I think you hit your head too many times," He continued, stepping towards Australia. The younger country gulped. However, the door swung open and Canada, with France behind him, walked into the house, carrying groceries. America and New Zealand were behind them. They carried the groceries into the kitchen, then proceeded to put them away.

"Mothaaa~ dad was going to kill mehh for dumpin' out his tea. Also, I fell down the stairs 'ead first on purrrpooose," Australia said very matter-of-facility like, running behind France, terrified of what his father would do to him for dumping out his tea. Everyone looked at the young country. "What?" He said. "Aussie, are you feeling alright?" New Zealand asked his older brother, concerned. New Zealand might be the youngest, but even he knows it's not normal. "I'm fine, why?" Australia asked. Just then Britain walked into the kitchen, looking displeased.

"He asked idiotic questions, then proceeded to dump out my tea only to ask more. I think he needs to visit the doctor for a brain scan. I don't think it's normal for someone to purposely go down the stairs headfirst while managing to hit your head on every stair," Britain said to France, while kissing her cheek. "I compl-etely agree vvith vou," France said in her accent while looking at Australia with concern in her eyes.

And the second youngest country still didn't see anything wrong with going down the stairs like that.

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