Spilt Frappuccino. [China x Thailand] Youtuber AU *Part two*

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This is the second part of the Youtuber AU with China x Thailand.

Rare-pairsssss 🤪
China || Male || semi-known in America. (New status!)
Thailand || Male || Known worldwide.

It has been a month since China met Thailand, and to say the least, a lot has happened.

For starters, after Thailand introduced himself to the class, everyone has been all over him, making China pissed off. He didn't quite know why though, it just angered him to see all those people swarm the softie constantly.

He didn't know if he was jealous or envious, but he didn't like it at all. He was doing the starting papers in front of him, grumbling in Mandarin again, when the one-and-only Thailand approached him.

"H-Hi China!" He said, surprising the red-flagged Country. China peered up at him, and not realizing it, spoke in Manderian. "早上好。" (Good morning.) he grumbled, then went right back to his work.

Others had started to spectate the scene, but neither Country noticed. "你需要帮助吗?" (Do you need help?) Thailand asked, looking at China's paper. People around the two gasped, and China looked up at the CountryHuman in astonishment. Thailand had just spoken in Manderian, and wasn't that bad either.

It appeared no one else could understand what they were saying, and unknowingly caused China to smirk. "只是问五个..." (Just question five...) He trailed, not even realizing he spoke until after he said it. Thailand plopped himself right next to China and looked at his paper to read the question. He grabbed China's pencil, and started to write, explaining how to do it and what the Professor was asking.

China was looking at Thailand, but wasn't listening to a thing he was saying. He was looking at the Country's flag itself, the colours so vibrant. his hair which perfectly complemented his face, his brown eyes, filled with excitement and life. And he was explaining it all in Manderian, so the other students wouldn't get any ideas. But the scariest thing about it, was that China, the Country who never relied on anyone else ever, was letting this random Country who he met only yesterday help him.

I'm not even upset he spilt his Frappuccino on me anymore.

When Thailand finished explaining, he looked to China, and stopped. The two were looking directly in each other's eyes, and were captivated by one another. "你可以和我一起吃午饭吗?" (Can you have lunch with me?) Thailand suddenly blurted out, and blushed an astonishing amount. China then laughed, and it only increased the other's blush.

"Of course."


During lunch, the two talked about a lot of things. Why they were both in America, where they planned to go after, and what other courses they were taking. Apparently, Thailand had a course before he met with China in the medical one, and it started before the Chinese Country even woke up. He had two other courses, then after lunchtime, he was free to go home.

Thailand was taking four courses, and China was only taking three. The latter's first class was the one with Thailand, then two after, before lunch, when he was also allowed to go home.

China was curious to where Thailand was currently staying, and he said he was living with three other people, and then explained that even though he arrived four days ago, it was already chaotic.

"那跟我住," (Then live with me)

China didn't even realize he said that, but Thailand certainly did. There were others staring at the two, every one of them wanting to be in China's spot.

When suddenly, Thailand flared up, it looked like China just confessed to him. Someone nearby was getting them on video, and caught Thailand's face in the making. And man did it look like China confessed to him, because he then blushed, and started to talk fast like he was trying to cover it up.

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