Comforting... In your own way! [Croatia x Serbia]

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Holy cheese noodles, thank you for 21K reads!

First Oneshot of 2021! Let's hope this year is better then the last!

As soon as I saw this request I was immediately like "I'm totally doing this right now," because I've never seen this ship before, which makes me excited! From the Oneshot books I have read, I don't recall anyone doing this kind of ship... I am also not from either of these countries, so it's a learning experience for me! Thanks to kittycatoffnaf for requesting!

Serbia || Male
Croatia || Male

Croatia's eyes snapped open. Pain... everywhere... the Croatian winced as he felt a pulse shoot through his body. A painful, throbbing ache was everywhere on his poor body, from his head, all the way down to his feet. The male was lying on the bed he shared with his significant other, Serbia. Now, where exactly was the tall boy while his partner was forced to go through the pain alone? He was in the other room, praying.

Croatia stared his brown orbs into the ceiling, before dragging them to look at the clock on the wall. It would be at least another three minutes before Serbia was finished. The Croatian knew he should prey as well, but he was pardoned for the moment as he was basically sick. Time seemed to drag on forever. Seconds after seconds passed, and that throbbing pain wasn't letting up. Croatia started to sweat, and a fever placed itself on his forehead. What happened to Croatia? What made him throb in agony? The answer was simple.


It wasn't his fault that earth's plates decided to crash together violently. His country just happened to be on one that liked to slam into others. "Srbija..." (Serbia...) the male weakly called out, dragging his eyes to look at the closed door, just hoping his boyfriend would walk through. Croatia couldn't move when he was in this state. Sure, it only lasted a moment or two, but when he was released of the immediate pain he usually got migraines and was drowsy.

Then, as if the gods themselves had blessed him, Serbia walked through the door. He was back into casual clothes. Regardless of that fact, was still an extremely handsome male. "хрватско како си-" (Croatia, how are you-) Serbia started his sentence, his hazel eyes looking at his boyfriend on the bed. Immediately, the taller country took notice of Croatia's condition (and facial status), and rushed over.

Serbia sat on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping due to his weight. "маче!" (Kitten!) he called to his lover, looking at him with worry. Just by Serbia's voice, Croatia started to relax, if only slightly. The taller boy started to panic, mumbling in Serbian while his frantic hazel eye scanned everywhere. The male in pain give a small, weak smile. He slowly reached his hand out, wincing along the way, until he found his significant other's.

Hand in hand.

As if snapped out of a trance, Serbia shook his head and looked to his boyfriend. "Жао ми је..." (I'm sorry...) the tall male apologized, starting to calm down. The lovers' fingers intertwined, and they looked at each other in the eyes. Then, Serbia looked down at his lap. Then started to tremble, than, tears started to roll down his face. A moment later the bot was full on sobbing, apologizing again and again like a broken record. Croatia was confused, but nonetheless tried to soothe his love.

"H-Hej," (H-Hey) Croatia stuttered out, still in a large amount of pain. Serbia shakily looked up. He was crying because there was nothing he could do. Here Croatia was, going through earthquake pain and still managing to make him feel better. The tall boy could only hold his lover and hope he felt better soon. Serbia felt... He felt pathetic. "... D-Dođi," (+-Come) Croatia requested, sensing his partners worry. The Serbian Country let go of his lovers land, and then stood up. He walked around the bed and laid beside Croatia, grabbing his hand once more.

They stayed like that for a few moments, with Serbia occasionally murmuring those sweet nothings his partner loved to hear. Suddenly, Croatia's body stiffened once more, and he grunted out in pain. Red alarms went off in Serbia's head, before he decided to take his shirt off. He gently grabbed his stiff boyfriend's body, and pressed his forehead to his own chest. Woah! Croatia's forehead was hot!

Nice abs, Serbia~

At the change in temperature, Croatia started to calm down. The coldness of his boyfriends chest was soothing, in a way, and he found himself drifting to sleep. "Hvala... Srbija..." (Thanks... Serbia...) The shorter Country muttered out right before he drifted asleep to Serbia's heartbeats. "Било кад, маче," (Anytime, Kitten) the taller responded, very carefully wrapping his hands around his lover. Then he to fell asleep, content with the fact he actually helped his boyfriend.


Few hours later, Serbia opened his eyes. He didn't see Croatia and his adorably fluffy hair though, he saw the wall. Strange... The tall male then felt arms around his back, and a face pressed into it. It took Serbia a solid three seconds to realize he was being spooned by his boyfriend. His hazel orb widened and his face turned fifty shades of red and back again. "м-маче," (K-Kitten) The taller boy attempted to get his partners attention, but that didn't work as Croatia only wrapped his leg around Serbia's torso. Yep, spooning at its finest. After he got over the fact his boyfriend, who happened to be shorter than him, was basically cradling him, Serbia let his orb close once more, and drifted back to sleep.

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