Harmless Kiss. [Philippines x America]

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Aaaaaa! Thank you all for 25K reads!

Apologies for no oneshots published- I didn't expect to get so many, put I promise I will try to publish one for everyone who had requested :3

Speaking of which, this oneshot was requested by AcaciaWasentHere ! Thank you OwK~ Personally, I really like this ship, and I find that weird because I don't like America with a lot of countryhumans... anyways!

America || Male
Philippines || Male

Philippines took a step back in disbelief. His blue and yellow eyes the size of suckers. "W-What?" He asked, not believing what he was told to do. The young country was with his best friends: Malaysia and Indonesia. The three were at a meeting with the other CountryHumans, waiting for the EU and UN to arrive. However, the two were taking a while, so everyone started to talk amongst themselves. These best friends were no different. They decided to play a game of Truth or Dare. It started innocent but quickly turned directions.

Malaysia and Indonesia both knew about Philippines' large crush on America. How? The young country came running to them when he realized he thought differently when he was with the American. And ever since the Filipino country acknowledged his crush, it was almost impossible not to blush and stutter near the other.

"You heard me," Indonesia brought his friend back to reality. Yeah, Philippines said dare, and was beginning to regret that choice. "pergi cium orang Amerika itu," (Go kiss the American) the Indonesian said, smirking.

Philippines was freaking out internally.

He blinked. Then blinked once more for good measure. "Sa-Sa harap ng lahat ng mga taong dito!?" (In-in front of all the people here!?) he managed to stutter out, beginning to see stars. He was crushing hard. "Nope. Look! America is only talking to Canada! Nobody else is even paying attention to them," Malaysia reassured, patting her friend's shoulder. And she was right. America was only talking to his brother Canada. That was weird. Normally, the American would be the center of attention. Strange. That did help Philip's (personally I like the nickname Phili better but whatever) nerves though.

The Filipino started to calm down. And then his normal personality came out. The yellow and blue eyes boy reasoned with himself. It's only a harmless kiss. And besides, I can just tell Joe it was a dare! He thought. It was successful because he was confident with what he was about to do. "Your gonna kill it!" Indonesia said, before fixing the tiny hat on his head. Wooo! Confidant Philip was in the house! Nothing could stop him now!

Well, Indonesia was right about one thing: Philippines did kill it. More precisely, he killed America.

Here's the setup.

Philippines walked through the room, weaving his way through all the countries on his way to America and his brother. Malaysia and Indonesia watching, both male and female countries way too excited. Only a few seconds later, Young Thailand and Cambodia noticed that the Rice Trio was down to two. They looked at each other then slid their wheelie chairs over to Malaysia and Indonesia. "អរុណ​សួស្តី! តើហ្វីលីពីននៅឯណា?" (Good Morning! Where is Philippines?)

"Shh! He's right over there, going to America," Malaysia sushed her friends. Indonesia apologized on her behalf, and then explained that he and the Malaysian dared Philippines to go and give America a kiss. That was all it took. Now Thailand and Cambodia were also excited for the Filipino boy. All four friends watched as Philippines excused himself and slithered past Britain, who was angrily on the phone with U.N, wondering where the heck they were (yup, I decided to have the U.N use they/them pronouns :3). Now all that was standing in the way of Philip giving America a kiss on the cheek was Canada. Maple Syrup-loving country didn't seem to pose much of a threat though, as he was supportive of countries liking the same gender and whatnot.

"Hey Joe!" called out Philippines. The country then did some sort of catwalk over to the United States but was so focused on his crush that he didn't notice Canada's legs extended. It was like a cliché movie: Philippines walked over to the country all confidant. And then either on purpose or accident (probably on purpose), Philip tripped over Canada's looooong legs.

The Filipino boy slowly fell, preparing to hit the floor. However, that never came. America, portraying a knight in shining armor, caught the shorter boy in his arms. After a moment of Philip fanboying about being in his crush's arms, he looked up to a concerned and flustered american.

Well, It's now or never.

Before America could even ask if Philip was alright, the country did the dare. He reached his hands up and grabbed onto America's head, before pulling it down a bit into a soft kiss. The intimate moment didn't last long because the Filipino boy pulled away and stood up, only to start walking away. The American was confused and flustered even more. He needed to tell Philip how he felt. Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, and now Canada were absolutely loving the show. America grabbed onto Philippines' hand, making the blue and yellow eyed boy turn to face him.

"I-I... I think I l-like you, Phil..."

Now that was unexpected. What an honest answer from America. The Filipino was momentarily shocked, before a large smile took over his face. "Same here, Joe," Awe. Now both countries were beaming with happiness. They stared into each other's eyes for what felt like years.

Or at least, until Britain came over and yelled at the two for not being seated.

". . ."
"I win. Now gimme my money,"

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