Lose You to Love Me. [One sided! Malaysia x Indonesia]

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I can finally listen to Stay Gold by Bts! The wiki said that Map of The Soul: Journey isn't supposed to come out until next month, but Apple Music has it ready, even though I can't listen to the whole Album yet.

It's been quite a long time since I've written anything that was sad, so even though I absolutely hate angst or sad Oneshots, I decided it was time for another one. I think this is one of the longest single-chapter oneshot I've ever written (China x Thailand doesn't count cause I used three chapters).

This Oneshot is taken off the example of the song Lose You to Love Me by Selena Gomez. (Song above)

Malaysia || Male
Indonesia || Male

You promised the world and I fell for it,

Malaysia laid on his bed. His head was towards the ceiling. The striped country was trying not to cry for what felt like the fifth time that day. He was looking at his phone above him, at a certain picture he took only yesterday. He still couldn't believe it, what had happened to him.

I put you first and you adored it,

About two and a half months ago, Malaysia confessed his feelings for one of his closest friends; Indonesia. He expected to be rejected, but he hoped that his crush would still let them be friends. That didn't happen at all. Indonesia actually said he fancied Malaysia as well, and due to overexcitement, they immediately got togethere. What a bad move.

Set fires to my forest, and you let it burn,

The first two weeks or so were what could be called the honeymoon weeks. The only things what were on Malaysia and Indonesia's minds' were each other, and they spent every second of every day they could together. It was cute, and other CountryHumans thought it was going to last. One particular night, the young couple were having a make-out session, and Indonesia tried to take it further. Malaysia didn't think it was a good idea to do something so intimate when they were so brand-new, not to mention he had never been in a relationship before, and he told his lover that.

Sang off-key to my chorus, 'Cause it wasn't yours,

Things started to change after that. Indonesia said he didn't mind and would wait until Malaysia was ready for that next step, but that patience only lasted two weeks or so. Indonesia slowly started to separate himself from his boyfriend. At first, the striped country didn't notice, but then it started to get more frequent, so he voiced his concern. Indonesia said he had a lot on his mind lately, and Malaysia believed him. So they gave each other space for a few days.

I saw the signs and I ignored it,

One particular night, Indonesia requested that his boyfriend meet him at his house so they could watch a movie, but Malaysia had papers he forgot to sign earlier, so he told the red and white country he would be late. When he did finally show up, it was only twenty minutes or so later then their original meet-up time. But Indonesia didn't like it one bit. He started complaining that Malaysia spent all his time at work and even accused him of cheating. Malaysia tried to explain the work he had to do, but it was no use. Indonesia was just getting angrier, so his boyfriend grabbed his things and left. That scared him mentally, and he lost sleep because of it.

Rose-coloured glasses all distorted, Set fire to my purpose,

Malaysia told himself that all his boyfriend needed was space and some sleep. He hoped that everything would blow over as it usually did. The next day he tried texting Indonesia, but was left on read the entire day, and never even got a message back. The crescent and star country still felt that his lover needed space, so he hung out with two of his other friends; Thailand and Cambodia. The two seemed to really care about Malaysia. They didn't approve of the relationship once they were informed what Indonesia accused him of, but as long as their friend was happy they would cope.

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