[M] Finny... [Depressed! Finland x America]

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Finland|| Male


America woke up happy. He had slept well the night before, and was therefore in a good mood. He looked outside, and it was sunny. Not a cloud in the sky. He got dressed and walked down to the kitchen to meet his mother, France. "Morning Mom," He said.

France looked back at her son and gave a similar greeting. "Everyone is in zhe dining room, waiting for breakfast. It vvill  be finished in a few minutes," She explained. So the American country walked into the dining room to meet his siblings and father.

"Good morning everyone," He said, sitting in his seat. "Morning Ame, you seem to be in a pleasant mood," Canada said, while reaching for his favourite thing in the world. Maple Syrup. "I slept well last night, and it is sunny outside. There's no reason not to be happy," America said back to his brother. France then walked into the dining room, with plates in her arms. She gave one to everyone, then sat down. "Thanks Mothaaa," Australia said. Everyone else then gave their Variations of thanks to the female country. "Vous êtes les bienvenus," (Your welcome) she responded.

"Mmm, this is really good!"
"Canada, watch yourself with the Maple Syrup,"
"Sorry dad..."
"Could you pass the salt please, Kiwi?"

~~Same time, Finland's Resistance~~

Finland looked dead. He felt dead. He stared into space as he lay on his bed, fiddling with a rope, intertwining it between his fingers and such. He was still in his clothes from the night before, and his hair was a mess. There was no one other than him in the house at the moment, and there wouldn't be for at least another week. On the floor beside him there are multiple bottles of vodka, only one of them still containing liquid.

As a result his room reeked of the drink, but that wasn't the only thing on his floor. His phone was also there, but with a huge crack in it, result from an angry Finland having thrown it when he was upset the night before. It was also dead, but he never really charged it all that much anyway.

There were bandages on his bed and floor, some clean and some with blood. He didn't care at all. He felt lifeless. To say the least he was in pain, and wasn't in the best frame of mind right now.


"Thanks for breakfast mom! I'll be in my room if anyone needs me," America said half to France and the other half to the other countries in the house. He put his plate in the kitchen, and walked back upstairs to his room. He closed the door behind him, then flopped into his bed. His sunglasses were on, but we're slightly lopsided from the impact America had made when he collided with his bed. He sat up, then fixed his glasses.

"I wonder what Finland is up to..." he said to himself, suddenly getting the urge to talk to his boyfriend. And that's exactly what he did, he picked up his phone from his nightstand, and went to Finland's contact.

He typed a greeting to the other, then layed back down, this time carefully so his glasses didn't fumble to the side of his face again. He stared at the ceiling. About a minute later he checked his phone again, but was surprised when it said Not Delivered right beside the message America had tried to send his boyfriend.

Confused, the country typed Finland's name with a question mark beside it then hit the send button again. About ten seconds later it was marked as Not Delivered once more. America tapped into his contact once more and hit the call button.

He brought it up to his ear, but not for long as it went straight to the answering machine. The country was starting to get worried about Finland. The latter had opened up to America that he wasn't always in a great mindset, and when he wasn't he could harm himself. So America always made sure to check his arms, or ask how he was feeling.

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