Waltz. [Mexico x Canada]

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I wrote down beforehand what I would write in this one, but I only followed it 75% there....

Mexico || Male
Canada || Male


"Attention students. There will be a school dance next Friday as an end-of-year party. However, you can only attend if you have a partner and know a classic Waltz. Flyers will be sent out on Monday. Thank you," The speaker then went silent, with everyone else in the classroom quiet as well.

Where was Mexico? He was still at school, and was just about to hand in his Science project before the announcement had happened.

A dance, huh? Too bad I have absolutely no clue on how to waltz... Mexico thought, while handing in his project. It wasn't due until next week, but he didn't want to forget about it.

If you want someone who can salsa, then I'm your country. But a form of waltz, no way... He continued to think as he walked back to his desk, while taking a glance at the clock on the wall. There was only two minutes left before the last period of the day had finished, and it was a Friday.

So Mexico started to pack up his things. He said he would go over to Canada's Residence with him, and the two of them could play Just Dance. But that was before Australia and New Zealand found out. They then demanded that they be included in the game. So what was once going to be a two-person game, turned into a four-person one.

And then America found out. And he invited his boyfriend, Russia, even though he knew fully that the only way Russia would participate was either if you somehow managed to put his pride on the line, or if he was drunk.

And then the four-person game turned into a sharing-turns-game. What fun. The bell then rang and brought Mexico out of his thoughts as he stood up. He said he would meet Canada at his locker, and that they could just walk home. America and Russia were going to go over to Russia's place first (which took a lot of coaxing cause Union-Union isn't that fond of America) and would join them around a half hour later.

Mexico walked to his locker to pick up a few things, then went to Canada's to wait for him. The canadian's last class of the day was Art, and that classroom was located on the other side of the school, meaning he would be a few minutes, but Mexico didn't mind.

"Hey, Mexico!" Canada said cheerfully. He made his way over to his boyfriend and kissed his forehead, causing a slight blush to form on Mexico's face. While the taller country opened his locker, he spoke to the other male. "I have a question I would like to ask you, but only when we get back to my place. Is that okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. No necesitas mi permiso para preguntarme algo," (You don't need my permission to ask me something.) Mexico said, looking up to Canada. "Sorry," The taller country replied, sheepishly. "Eres demasiado canadiense..." (You Are too Canadian...) Mexico muttered. "You don't need to apologize," The Mexican country responded to his boyfriend's apology louder, so Canada wouldn't worry.

He couldn't be any more true, Canada apologized for way too many things. In fact, when he was over at Canada's residence a while back, New Zealand told him that she swore she saw Canada trip over his shoelace and apologize to his shoe. "Let's go, shall we?" Canada said, not really listening to Mexico's sentence of apologies.

Canada put his arm out for his beloved, and the smaller Country gladly took his arm. The two then walked out of the highschool and to Canada's place. While walking, Mexico started to think to himself. I wonder what he wants to ask me... He then thought of different scenarios of what could possibly happen in the next hour.


Mexico didn't even notice when they got to Canada's place, so Canada had to lightly shake him. "¿Sí?" (Yes?) He Asked, now looking up at the taller country.

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