I gave her a smile in thanks.

But then...

"Y/n! I wanted... wanted to apologize,"
I heard him say.

I took a deep breath.

"My girlfriend wants nothing to do with you. Get your hideous face outta here,"
Gillian said.

His expression changed but he nodded and went off.

I knew he wouldn't give up though...

Gillian smiled proudly and we skipped off, chuckling.



That night, I received more from my ex.

Just some casual "hey" and "i miss you"

Boring stuff, ya know?

Gillian and Violet would respond with... memes.

Violet burst into laughter as she texted him.
I chuckled, not even bothering to ask.

Gillian giggled and brought me over to them.

"Guys, I don't want anything to do with him,"
I groaned.

Gillian and Violet both stopped in their tracks and nodded.

It seemed like Violet blocked him and then tossed my phone onto the pillow.

They smiled.

I blinked rapidly. I knew this was how they were, never hesitant to stop what they're doing if it made me uncomfortable.

I smiled softly.



Some time passed, and my ex never decided to continue trying.
So much for a hardworker.

But either way, Gillian and I started to get closer.

Of course, we were close before, but it was more of a deep connection.

I would always miss her a whole lot when we would be apart.
I smiled a whole lot more when I was with her.
I loved it when we would hug, I felt so much just by it.

It was strange, and I couldn't describe it.

Gillian skipped over to me, a bright smile on her face

"Y/n! Y/n! Let's fo to the Fair!"
She exclaimed.

"Oh, Gilly. I can't, I have to take care of–"
I was cut off.

"Nope! Ray and Norman are doing that now. I convinced them. Now let's goooo,"
She urged.

I sighed but nodded.
"All right, all right,"
I said, resisting a smile.

I got ready and Gillian dragged me out of the house to the Fair.

And so, we started our time at the fair.

Gillian and I tried our best to play EVERY game and such.

And we did! Much to Gillian's excitement.
Now, we were finally on the last ride, the Ferris Wheel.

Gillian and I jumped with excitement, giggling as we held hands.

"We did it!"
She shouted as the Ferris Wheel started moving.

"We did it!"
I cheered with her.

Gillian chuckled softly and handed me a bear.

"My gift to you, dearest,"
She said with a soft smile.

"Awww thank you, Gilly,"
I said with a smile.

Gillian smiled and brushed it off, looking at the night sky.

"It's pretty,"
She murmurs.

"Yeah, it is!"
I said softly.

She chuckled and started looking around anxiously.

She stated, a small smirk on her lips.

I asked her.

"Can I kiss you?"
She asked, her smirk still there.

I wasn't sure if she was just teasing me or not, but I nodded slightly, stunned.

Her smirk faded, a surprised look on her face.
But she quickly leaned in, cupping my cheeks and kissing me softly.

Her hair tingled against my face as I hesitantly kissed her back, my arms wrapping around her waist.

Gillian pulled away, a bright smile on her face.
"I love you!"
She then shouted.

I chuckled softly.
Let the whole world know.

"I love you too!"
I shouted and laughed softly.

She kissed me again, running her hands through my hair, happier than ever now.

(The goldy pond residents don't go boring guys)

I smiled happily, kissing her back.

I love you...




8, 25, 2020
Word count: 1005

「Dreaming For Stars」TPNxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now