[186; Nigel]

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-Nigel's Ending-



So I realized I never cleared this up...

But Y/n found out Yuugo's name when she found a ripped picture of him, which had his name on the back.

I thought that I cleared it up, but uh, guess I never did.




Reader's POV

[ 1 Month After ]

I rummaged around the boxes, searching for anything that could help my memories come back.

Guns... guns are beautiful.

Have I said that before?
I feel like I have...

I frowned and looked through the books.

A knock came on my door.

"Come on in!"
I called out, putting up the books I had.

Nigel, the tall boy with love for mechanics and weaponry.

(i was about to describe his hair and eye color but like- on his wiki page it isn't stated so-)

He was always trying his best to make me feel more comfortable here.

He was sweet too.

"Oh, it's warm in here. That's good!"
He said, taking his hat off.

I nodded.
"I can't be bothered with the cold..."
I said with a chuckle.

He nodded in agreement.
"I hate it..."
He said with a smile as he sat down next to me.

"Oh! You're looking through your old stuff?"
He asked, then took out the gun.

"Yeah, I am... was I good with it?"
I asked him.

He nodded and smiled brightly.
"Yeah!! You and Emma constantly got bullseye!"
He said with excitement.

"Woah, really?!"
I exclaimed, my eyes wide.

"Yeah, come on,"
He said with a smile, putting his hand out.

I smiled and took it, standing up.

I didn't know what it was... but I felt happy, like that. With his hand in mine.

"Where are we going?"
I asked.

"To practice shooting,"
He said with a wink.


And that's how our friendship started.


[ 1 year later ]

Nigel and I hung out a lot after that.

We would go to the shooting range, with company of Mike, of course.

And then we would go get donuts, hang out at the park.

Our things.

Of course, I hung out with others, buuuuuuut, moments with Nigel were more... memorable.

Nigel and I skipped over to Mike Ratri, grins plastered onto our faces.

"Oh, Mikeeeeee~"
I sang.

Nigel added, making me snicker.

"No no no,"
He started muttering, laying his head in his hands.

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