[ 94 ] All of Us, Alive

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C ON T IN U AT I ON     OF     B OO K 11

Chapter 94
All of Us, Alive


Reader's POV

Leuvis fell back. 

"Did we defeat him?"
Nigel asked.

"We were able to...
defeat Leuvis."

My vision got dizzy.
I'm in so much pain...

I hope Emma isn't feeling this as well.
I hope she isn't suffering.

"We did it!!"
"We defeated him!!"
"Yes! Yessss!!"
"We're free!!"

I smiled.
Emma was leaning on me, which I didn't mind.

{ This is the end of the hunting ground. 
Everyone living in fear everyday. And Yuugo's suffering that lasted 13 years. Will end. 

Violet walked over to me, her hand on my shoulder.
I gave her a smile.

"We did it... guys., We did it!"
she said, smiling as tears rolled down her face.

I chuckled, hugging her the best I could.
I couldn't show my pain at this moment.

Then, Adam slumped down.

My eyes widened, but my vision was still blurry as ever.
"Oh no! Adam!"
Nigel exclaimed.

But he got up.
"Good, you're okay!"
Nigel smiled.

Violet had head over to him as well after I pulled out of the hug.

Emma tried to move.
"Emma, no. Stay put..."
I muttered.

But she still tried.
I lost grip of her.

She fell, unconscious.

"No... Emma!"
I was able to choke out, falling to my knees as I tried to pick her up.
Ray got to my side, and picked her up, worry in his face.

"You'll hurt yourself more, butterfly.
Don't be reckless,"
he muttered to me.

I nodded slightly.
I wish I could see his face, but I could barely...

I tried my best to stay up.
It hurt so much.

"You okay? Emma!"
Ray called out.



Yuugo had Emma on his back.

Violet was helping Pepe.

Nigel had hurried to everyone.

Ray was helping me stand.

"Emma, Y/n, and Pepe are..."
Nigel started

"Hurry! We have to treat them!"
Yuugo said. Then his eyes went wide. 

I smiled as he and Lucas hugged.

"You're alive... Thank goodness!"
"That's my line, big idiot! But we can celebrate later."
"Yeah, bring Emma, Y/n, and Pepe over here."

I left Ray's side as soon as Lucas said that.
I had to see them first.

I hurried past Lucas, the best I could, limping.
I muttered, going to his side.

"Y/n, we need to treat you
Yuugo called out.

"Oliver, what happened?"
I asked him, not listening to Yuugo.

"It's all right. You go get healed,"
Oliver told me with a slight smile.

"All right..."
I muttered, wrapping my arm around my stomach as I stood up.

Then, I caught a glimpse of Gillain.
My eyes went wide.

Ray said, now at my side.

My vision got blurry once more, I felt more pain. 
I broke down on him.
And I saw nothing but black as I fell into his arms.


Ara~ Ara~
Reader-Chan, you're so strong.
( I would've made you pass out before Emma since you got hurt more by Leuvis...
but I wanted your character to see Lucas and Yuugo reunite again, and to see Oliver. 
So, technically, you should've passed out first. Sorry for not being logical aha )


Ray's POV

I muttered, holding her close. 

She could leave me this time.
But there's no supplies.
Damn it. 


I looked at Y/n with a smile.
Norman didn't seem to notice as he and Y/n continued to wash the dishes, smiles on their faces as they played with the bubbles.

Beautiful... she's so beautiful. 
I sighed.

Then, they turned to me.
"Ray! Look, Norman's Santa!"
She smiled.

She'd made a beard of bubbles on Norman.
They broke into laughter causing me to chuckle.

I looked at her smile.
I never wanted her smile to fade...

Flashback End~~~~~


Now, her smile was gone.
I frowned, standing up with her in my arms.

{ Don't give up now, Y/n...
Don't let go, butterfly. }


Word Count: 671

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