16] The Secret Room and Willaim Minerva, Part 1

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Book 2} Chapter 16
The Secret Room and William Minerva, Part 1
秘密の部屋とウィリアム・ミネルバ パート1

"The house has a secret room?" I asked uneasily.
"Yeah. And it's located here," Emma said, circling a spot on the map next to Mom's bedroom.

"Next to Mom's bedroom. Mom's bedroom… has the bathroom and washroom next to it… And next to that is Mom's office. But this probably isn't a wall," Emma said.

“I noticed that every time Mom disappears… She always goes into her office or the washroom,” Gilda added.
“And so I measured the distance of the inside and hallway side of the room,” Emma said after her.
“And?” I asked, Don leaning forward as he also wanted to know.

“They didn’t match. There’s about ten steps’ worth of space. One side is a wall and the other side is covered in bookshelves. But I think there are hidden doors on both sides. And beyond that, a secret room,” Emma replied.

“But what for?” Don asked her.
“Probably…” Emma paused.
“For regular check-ins,” Ray continued. “Mom checks in with the headquarters everyday. The room is most likely for that.”

I thought about it, my head on his shoulder in thought.
{ That’s probably it! }

“Headquarters?” Don said with confusion.
“The base that supplies babies and sister to the house,” Norman said clearly which made a shiver run down my spine.

“Ray, did you know? That there was a room here?” I asked him, lifting my head from his shoulder as I looked at the map.

"Nope. Although I suspected that there must be a room like that somewhere," he replied. I nodded and set my head on his shoulder again.

"Let's try to get in. There must be a way to communicate with the outside… and there might be a clue. To where Conny and the others were sent," Don said confidently.

I felt my heart sank. Conny was dead. It took me forever to actually believe it… but if I told Don…

"But what about the key? If it's a room that Mom keeps secret, then it's probably locked," Gilda cut in.
"Norman, Y/n, can you open it?" Emma asked us.

"D-Depends," I stuttered, not liking that I was suddenly in the spotlight as everyone turned to me.
"Yeah, it depends on what kind of lock," Norman said for me.

"Hold on. There's no advantage in doing all that. The communication device is most likely only connected to the headquarters. And Mom doesn't know where our siblings were sent. There won't be any records or clues. On the other hand, our tracking devices could give away our snooping. And we don't know what kind of security the room had. It's too dangerous," Ray explained.

"But…!" Don said.
"I'm saying that the risk is overwhelmingly outweighs the benefits. It's great that we know where it is. But there's no need to overextend ourselves at this point," Ray told him, more like us.

"You're right," Norman and I said in unison.
"I see," Emma said. 

"Instead, we should be focused on something else," Ray said. I nodded and stood up straight, sitting on the small cabinet beside us.

"For now, we have to be really wary of Sister Krone," Norman said.
"Right," I muttered.
"Don't dig your grave with a foolish move," he continued.

"Exactly. We're doomed if Mom or even Sister Krone finds out about this. So make sure you keep that in mind before you act," Ray said.

"Don't worry… it'll be fine. We just have to act normal and all will be fine," I told them with a forced smile.

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