18] Prepared

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Book 3} Chapter 18

"But I'm surprised," Norman said as we went down the stairs.
"What do you mean?" I asked him. Emma was rushing down the stairs, Ray behind her, and Norman and I behind both of them.

"It's expected from Ray, who's reading books all the time... "
"But, Emma, for you to notice those bookplates too," Ray added for Norman.

"I didn't," she said happily.
"Huh?" I asked.
"I wasn't the one who noticed them. Phil found them and told me," Emma told us.

"Phil?" Norman asked.
"Yup! A children's book he was reading was Mr. Minerva's. And it was a book that had Morse code in the story. So I looked at the other books too," Emma explained.

"Now it all makes sense," Ray said with a smirk.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean..." Emma said as we entered the dining room.
I looked around, "Where are Don and Gilda?" I asked.

They said they would go prepare dinner...

Norman searched for them.
"They're no in the pantry either!" he told us.

Then could they...?!
I turned around to see them both there. I sighed in relief.
"Don. Gilda," I said in relief.

"Good! I thought you'd—"
"Where'd you guys go?" Ray asked, cutting me off as he put his hand in front of me.

The kids looked at us with curiosity.
"The others will notice. Let's talk later," Norman told us.

Time Skip

The dining room was now empty leaving us 6.

"We went into the secret room. It led to a basement," Don told us.
"How did you get in?!" Emma exclaimed.
"Don pickpocketed the key, and—"
"From Mom?!" Emma exclaimed, cutting Gilda off.

"And? Did Mom...?" Norman asked with worry.
"I don't think she noticed. We returned the key already too. So probably..." Gilda said.

Ray's eyes narrowed as his arms were crossed.
"You two acted stupidly. What if that room was equipped with either a camera, a bug, or an alarm? If Mom or Sister Krone found out... you two... No, actually all of us would be," Ray paused.

"What? Tell us what would happen," Don said with a slight glare, "Are we going to get killed?" he asked. I was intimidated since he was right in front of me.

"What..." Emma muttered.
"You lied to us. Your "I don't know" and "Let's go save them" was bull. We can't go help them. Because Conny... Conny and everyone else are already..." he tried to say as he grit his teeth.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry," Emma said as she looked down.
"So they're really... Told you, Gilda. I knew they were lying. What are you hiding?" he asked. I didn't step down as he moved closer to me.
"Tell us the whole truth," he demanded.

I looked into his eyes and then narrowed them.
Then, we told them the truth.

"What? Demons? A farm?" they asked in shock. Gilda had her mouth covered.

"And also... Ray's a spy? All this time?" Don asked.
"It was for our sake," I cut in.

"Then, Ray... you knew what was going to happen to Conny that day? And, Norman, Emma, Y/n, you both tried to lie to us to take us into a world full of enemies?" Don asked then burst out laughing.

"You can't be serious!" he shouted as he punched Norman.
"Hey, Don!" Ray growled, only for Don to punch him next.
"Don, calm down," I said warily.

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